
"Enough talking," said Ace. "Your rambling hurts my ears."

He closed his fist even more, almost fully. The bunker rapidly crumpled in on itself. Several of the scientists, the ones standing at the edges of the bunker, were folded in as the walls and ceiling collapsed on top of them, reducing them to nothing but bloody pulp.

The remaining scientists, including Machine Mind, were now compacted tight. Several started to scream as their bones snapped under the pressure, but before long, but they only managed one scream before their breaths were crushed out of their chests.

"Shit. Guess talkin's over," Clint muttered. He clasped his palms together. A spiral pattern of red energy formed between them before firing as a high-speed projectile that distorted space as it flew.

Ace used his free hand as a shield to block the projectile. The energy began to warp his hand in its spiral pattern.