
"Are you crazy!?" Feather stammered out. He wanted to step back, but his body was just frozen as Nico stared him down with unbridled predatory intent. "ALL the Shield Capos? We run everything on the business side! The side that makes money!"

"There won't be a need for money and other shiny little baubles after we secure the Machineheart," said Nico. "We will build a new world. A world where soldiers, not cushioned paper pushers, rule."

"The Don! He wouldn't sanction this!"

"No, he wouldn't. But I'm sure he'll listen to reason. If he does not and he orders Orlando to slice my head off, then so be it. I do this for the good of this organization. This family." Nico held his fist out to Feather, the coin still covered under his other palm. "Choose. Heads or tails. If you win, I'll make sure your death will be painless.

If you lose, well, Adriana will deal with you."