Necromancer Vs. Capo 4

Volantis's energy readings showed that Nico's golden aura did not remain constant.

It ebbed and flowed chaotically. Though, Aldrich now realized, not as chaotically as he had assumed before. The flow of Nico's aura was contingent on whether he had that coin on him or not.

When Nico had the coin, his aura dimmed down. When he threw it and it was away from him, it rose back up. And when the aura was high around him, he had effective damage immunity on top of enhanced stats.

[Heart Hold] was not true Instant Death that killed no matter what. Very few spells were.

Rather, it was what Aldrich dubbed 'effective instant death'. It worked by dealing 100% of the target's maximum health in damage.

But if said target had a way to become completely immune to damage, revive, or have some form of stored health, then they could survive it.