Broken Blade

The journey back home wasn't without incident. I decided to accompany Huang Qian Jin and Hui Ying back to Azure Cloud City. Hui Ying was still recovering from having just acquired the True Fire and burning away the demonic qi deviation that plagued his body, so it was better to have someone escort them home safely.

"You really don't have to do this," Huang Qian Jin insisted, but I shook my head.

"Since you guys already owe me, I might as well go all the way. What will happen if you're unable to pay me my money?"

"All right then. We will be relying on you." Huang Qian Jin sounded reluctant.

"Thank you," Hui Ying said, his voice deep. I had been used to him being so silent this entire time that I was taken aback when I heard him speak up. I still wasn't used to hearing his voice. "You've done so much for us. The Huang family will never forget this debt."

"You don't have to be so exaggerated. Besides, we're not back in the city safely yet, so don't thank me too early."

We bashed through the Crimson Forest, with me taking the lead. Just as well, for I could sense the various spirit beasts waiting ahead of us. A few of them sensed the dangerous qi radiating from me and turned tail to flee. Fiery apes swung away on vines, fire foxes went back to their burrows, and salamanders slithered away.

But the fiercest of the spirit beasts were not so easily intimidated.

"Another Infernal Sabretooth, huh?"

I was pretty sure I had recently faced and defeated an Infernal Sabretooth. Oh, right, I saved a group of cultivators from one…and incidentally they were the same ones who first told me about the ruin with the True Fire. Funny how things worked out.

Not wanting to waste any time, I surged forward to meet the charging Infernal Sabretooth in a clearing. Partly because I wanted to ensure that Huang Qian Jin and Hui Ying wouldn't get dragged into the battle, though I was sure Hui Ying had recovered enough strength to fight a spirit beast of this level. Nonetheless, an Infernal Sabretooth remained a formidable foe, so I would rather not take the risk if we didn't have to.

Drawing my sword, I executed Shadow Sword Strike, drawing some blood from the paw of the Infernal Sabretooth. The ferocious spirit beast had reacted swiftly, reflexively raising its front claws to parry the blow, but my blade and the qi wreathing it managed to cut through its thick orange fur and penetrate its flesh. With a roar, the Infernal Sabretooth swiped with its other paw, but I ducked under it before throwing a riposte that grazed its chest.

Its oversized fangs then slashed through the air, almost sinking into my neck, but I made use of Shadow Steps to evade, disappearing from its front and appearing behind. Its tail lashed out, but I ducked and countered with a thrust. The second Shadow Sword Strike cut through its rear, spilling more of its blood onto the grass.

So potent was the yang qi in its blood that it ignited and set the grass ablaze. The Crimson Forest was no stranger to forest fires, however, and the flames guttered out almost immediately, swallowed by the yang qi saturated vegetation.

Unimpressed, the Infernal Sabretooth whirled about to slash at me. I evaded the first blow and then parried its massive fangs with my sword.

To my surprise, the chipped blade finally shattered. I had been overusing it for a while now, and didn't notice that it had been abused past its limits. The last of its endurance had withered under the strain of my executions of many techniques, and the blade finally gave out.

Cursing, I retreated into the shadows and emerged a distance away. The Infernal Sabretooth spun around and pounced, but I was already conjuring another technique.

Shadow Sword Storm.

Dozens of black swords materialized and rained down on the lunging Infernal Sabretooth, hammering mercilessly into its body and turning it into a bloody pincushion. With a howl, the feline spirit beast fell and skidded across the dry grass, carried by momentum rather than will.

I stopped its skid with a foot, the stomped on its head. The blow slew it instantly, breaking its skull and pulping brain matter. Shaking the fluids off my shoe, I then turned toward Huang Qian Jin and Hui Ying, gesturing for them to come forward.

"Brother Hei, your sword…!"

"It's nothing," I assured an alarmed Huang Qian Jin. "It's just a cheap sword that I've been using for years. I neglected its maintenance. It's only natural that it broke in combat. I'm just glad it didn't happen while I was fighting the Fire Drake."

"It's all because of us…if it weren't for us dragging you down, you could have avoided the battle and not lost your sword…"

"Don't be ridiculous. Even if I was alone, I would still have to fight through hordes of spirit beasts. Don't worry, it's not a big loss. It's just a cheap sword, like I said. It was time for me to buy a new one anyway. Good thing you're going to pay me a hundred thousand spirit stones when I get back, eh?"

To be honest, I took the sword randomly from the armory of the Heaven and Earth Sect. I didn't want to get into trouble, so I avoided taking the treasures or spirit weapons that the sect possessed. No doubt Master or one of the experts in Heaven and Earth Sect would throw a fit and hunt me down if they found their favorite weapons missing. I had none of my own, so I either took a regular sword randomly from the armory – one that nobody would miss – or I salvaged whatever weapons I could find from enemies I had slain on the battlefield.

I was telling the truth when I said the sword wouldn't be missed. I was planning to get a new one anyway.

"Pardon me, Brother Hei. I mean no offense, but you don't seem to be familiar with wielding the sword."

This time, it was Hui Ying who spoke up. I frowned and looked at him, but didn't deny it. It was a blow to my pride, but it was the truth.

"My master didn't really teach me much in the way of the sword. He just taught me cultivation techniques. Uh, and the Shadow Strike and Shadow Steps…"

"I know your master isn't from the Black Shadow Sect," Hui Ying interrupted. I tensed, but he continued, holding a hand up in a placating manner. "Don't worry. I don't care what your real sect or who your real master is. But it was simply strange to me that you were able to master all the new Black Shadow Sect techniques that I had innovated and taught you within a single day. I suspect you already learned a superior cultivation technique and built a solid foundation upon which you could easily add such relatively simplistic techniques to your repertoire."

"They aren't relatively simplistic techniques…"

"Brother Hei doesn't have to be polite. I know the truth, and I can sense the strong inner qi within your body." Hui Ying smiled. He studied me for a few moments, his fingers on his chin. "If I may advise you, I don't think you're that suited to the sword."

"Huh?" I scratched my head, trying to suppress the irritation inside me. I had thought I had been doing a good job with wielding the sword, but this guy who didn't know me that well came and lectured me. It felt a little patronizing.

However, he had a point. Whether it was against the Infernal Sabretooth, the Fire Drake or the Red Python, I didn't really feel that comfortable with using a sword. I had been used to depending on the almighty Heaven and Earth Strike to blow my enemies away with a single stroke, and there wasn't any finesse or true sword skill to that technique. It was sheer power. Anyone could do that as long as they mastered Heaven and Earth Strike – it wasn't a true sword technique.

Shadow Strike and Shadow Sword Strike, on the other hand, didn't feel that…strong. Even though I had grasped the basics and was able to execute them, it didn't mean I had actually mastered them. And I could feel that something was lacking.

So I swallowed my pride, lowered my head and cupped my hands. Arrogance or pride was utterly useless. It was more important to grow stronger and improve my skills. If I had to bow to do so, it was a cheap price to pay.

"If Brother Hui could advise me and help me find a way to improve, I would very much appreciate it."

"You seem more comfortable with ranged techniques," Hui Ying mused. "I remember some of the Shadow Sword Strikes you did were executed from range. Maybe you should try a weapon with longer range. Like chains…or even a bow."

"I'll consider it." inwardly, I groaned. I would rather wield a sword than any other weapons because, quite frankly, swords were supposed to be the coolest weapons around. Everyone loves the swords. Just look at all the protagonists in various cultivation stories. With the exception of Lord Xue Ying who wielded a spear, everyone used a sword. Li Fu Chen, Xiao Yan, Chen Chang Sheng, Wang Lin, and even urban cultivators. Everyone agreed that the sword was the strongest and coolest weapon.

"Well…" Huang Qian Jin cleared his throat. "We can see if the Huang family has any swords suitable…or weapons. We'll give it to you on top of the hundred thousand spirit stones. You deserve a lot more than that, to be honest."

"That might take a long time," Hui Ying said. "The Huang family's manor is far away from here. Unless Brother Hei is willing to travel with us back to the capital of the Huang Kingdom…"

That was about several weeks away by heavenly carriage, taking into account the constant stops (the kirins didn't have the stamina to fly nonstop for a whole day). I didn't want to make the journey right now because I still had business with the Lan family. I didn't know what was going to happen to Lan Bei Er if I was to leave for several months right now.

Wouldn't she be courted by other men while I was gone? I couldn't allow that to happen. A few days away was fine, but a couple of months? No.

"And I think Brother Hei would prefer to have a weapon as soon as possible." Hui Ying glanced at me, and I nodded in confirmation. I could fight barehanded if I needed to, but I preferred to have a weapon, especially since I needed it to use the Black Shadow Sect techniques.

"If that's the case, then I have an idea!" Huang Qian Jin said excitedly. "The Silver River Pavilion is holding an auction in a couple of days! I'm sure you'll be able to purchase a weapon there!"

"An auction?" I groaned. "I'm not that rich. I'm not going to participate in a damned auction."

"Don't be so quick to write it off," Hui Ying said, raising a hand. "The Huang family has connections with the Silver River Pavilion. We can help you get a weapon."

"As long as we are not bidding for it in an auction," I grumbled. I could already imagine what would happen – I had read too many cultivation stories, so I could predict the whole arrogant young masters or rich old men getting angry and demanding that I allow them to outbid me for an item on an auction. And if I refused, they would get all petty over "losing face" and send assassins to kill me. Hopefully that didn't happen in reality, but you would never know.

Then I stopped, throwing a hand out to halt my companions. I could sense the presence of high-level experts ahead of us. Damn, they had us surrounded. Without a sword, I was at a disadvantage unless I used Heaven and Earth Strike or Seismic Step. But that would give me away…

Nah, I could trust Huang Qian Jin and Hui Ying.

"Don't worry." To my surprise, Hui Ying stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder and telling me to relax. "They're our people."

A second later, twelve people appeared, forming a ring around us. They were dressed in yellow robes and gleaming armor, with the Huang symbol emblazoned across the front. Armed with swords and spears, they emanated a powerful aura. Innate realm or higher, maybe even a Saint realm among them.

They bowed in perfect unison, dropping to a knee and lowering their heads.

"Young Master."

"Get up," Huang Qian Jin said, looking like he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide there. He sighed heavily. "How did you guys find me?"

"There was only one place you and Hui Ying will go to," the leader of the guards replied, his head still lowered. He finally raised his gaze. "Young master, please don't run off without permission again. You're making our jobs difficult every time you sneak away somewhere. It's too dangerous for you to leave the manor."

"But if I didn't, would you allow Hui Ying to get the True Fire?"

The leader remained silent for a moment, and then he turned to Hui Ying, who was also adopting a respectful stance.

"I'm glad to see that you've recovered fully, Hui Ying. I assume that you've successfully acquired the True Fire?"

"That is correct," Hui Ying affirmed, his head lowered and hands cupped. "Thank you for your concern, Captain Zhang." He then gestured toward me. "It was also thanks to this gentleman here that we were able to succeed. Young master has promised to reward him, as well as Chi Yan."

"We can discuss this when we return." The man called Captain Zhang rose to his feet. "Now then, young master…allow us to escort you home."