Setting off

"Are you really sure you'll be able to obtain the horn of a Ruby Rhino?" Lan Bei Er asked, concerned. I nodded, even as I packed stuff into my spatial pouch. I was going to need supplies and stuff for the trip ahead.


"You…" Lan Bei Er began, and then she sighed and shook her head. "You don't have to do such a dangerous thing, you know. I know you're strong, but a Ruby Rhino is usually on par with a peak Innate Realm cultivator. I don't think you're at that level yet, right? You're probably mid-level Innate Realm right now."

"About level 6," I told her. "Just 3 levels away from peak Innate Realm."

"What!?" Lan Bei Er gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "I knew you were strong, but I didn't imagine that you would be already level 6…at such a young age too."

"Sorry." She must be thinking to herself something along the lines of "what kind of monster did I just marry?" I hoped she didn't regret it.

"Why are you apologizing?" Lan Bei Er shook her head and took my hand with a smile. "I'm proud of you."



"Um, thanks." I closed my eyes and savored the warmth of her hand. She griped my fingers tightly, almost as if she didn't want to let go.

"Please…please come back safe and sound. I don't care if you fail the mission. As long as you come back to me safely, that's all that matters."

"Don't worry." I grinned and showed her a thumb's up. "Have some faith in your husband. I'm going to prove to the world that I'm worthy of you."

"No…I'm the one who's not worthy of you." Lan Bei Er's shoulders sagged, and she looked frustrated. "I wish I could help…if only there was something I could do. I want to follow, but I know I'll only be a burden."

"Actually, you should follow us. I could use your healing techniques." There was no doubt this would be a dangerous trip, and I was under no illusions that I would be getting out of this unscathed. Lan Bei Er's eyes widened.


"Yeah. I'll protect you and make sure no spirit beast lay their paws on you, while you heal me whenever I take damage. A perfect strategy."

"All right." Lan Bei Er let go of my hands and began striding back toward a wardrobe. "Let me pack up and get more supplies. Then we'll go together!"

"Yeah!" This felt like a date. I couldn't wait for it. I watched her go off to instruct some servants to get her rations, water and other stuff, and then I left to wait for her in the courtyard. I didn't have much else to prepare because I was mostly done. Also, I didn't really need much other than rations and water – which I could procure from the wilderness anyway.

That was the convenient thing about hunting in the Crimson Forest. You could always rely on having easy access to cooked food.

"Oh, seems like you guys are getting ready for a big trip, eh?"

I glanced up at the sweet, sultry voice. As usual, Hong Yao Yao was seated atop the roof, watching me with amusement. Planting both her palms against the ledge, she hopped off and landed on the ground in a graceful manner. Smiling mischievously, she sidled up to me.

"Is this your honeymoon?"

"I guess you could think of it like that," I replied, though I inwardly wondered if this cultivator world even knew about the concept of a honeymoon, or if Hong Yao Yao also transmigrated from another world. That would explain her unusual strength.

"Oh…" Hong Yao Yao smiled. "I wonder if I can come along?"

"I would rather you not be a third wheel in our honeymoon," I said sourly. The pink haired girl burst out laughing and waved her hand dismissively.

"Don't worry about that. I don't intend to get in your way and cock block you. But at least listen to my proposal before you refuse."


"Yes." Hong Yao Yao wagged a finger at me. "Are you really strong enough to defeat a Ruby Rhino and take its horn? I have no doubt that you are powerful, but I know for sure that you're not yet at peak Innate Realm."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. Even though I had admitted as much to my wife, I wasn't going to stupidly reveal the truth to her. I didn't trust her, after all. "And what makes you think that?"

"Of course, if you are, then you can ignore what I'm saying and go ahead with your current plan." Hong Yao Yao didn't seem to care. "But if I've guessed correctly, you'll need a bit more strength to defeat the Ruby Rhino. Even though you're not at the level you need yet, you're not far from it. I know you're more powerful than you let on. Close, but not enough."

"And you're proposing a way to increase my strength?" I asked, sounding dubious. She nodded.

"It'll take a little sidetracking, but since it's also in the Crimson Forest, you might as well do it along the way. If all goes well, you should be able to take on the Ruby Rhino." She paused. "There's no time limit to the task, correct?"

"That's right," I agreed, intrigued despite myself. "But I'm not sure I trust such shortcuts to power. Even with the White Herb Sect's claims to supplement cultivators' strength with spirit pills and elixirs, I doubt it's really that…safe."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about. They are not doping. Elixirs and spirit pills are simply supplements – they provide the optimum amount of nutrients for your body to cultivate. Much like bodybuilders consuming a lot of eggs and meat to build their muscles. You can eat all you want, but if you don't exercise or perform the necessary physical activities, you will simply grow fat or have a high cholesterol level. In fact, supplements should be just that – supplements. They are not replacements for the actual thing. Exercising, training and rehabilitation should be the primary focus of your regimen. Don't believe all those nonsensical cultivation stories where characters pop pills into their mouths and they suddenly breakthrough. If that's the case, then nobody will bother with training. Everyone will just eat elixirs instead."

By now, I was pretty sure that Hong Yao Yao was transmigrated from my world.

"Are you also from a modern urban society, but somehow ended up being transported or reincarnated in this world?"

"Huh?" Hong Yao Yao scowled at me as if I had gone insane. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Never mind." I shook my head, embarrassed. I should never have asked. "Anyway, what makes your proposal any different?"

"I'm getting there." Hong Yao Yao gave me a glare, as if to tell me to shut up and listen. I complied, and she continued. "There's another ruin in the Crimson Forest – different from the one where you found the True Fire. There are rumors that there are incredible techniques in there, as well as legendary spirit weapons. If you can get your hands on them, you'll be able to boost your strength. Never mind the techniques, a powerful spirit weapon will be able to help you make up for the gap between your strength and the Ruby Rhino's – provided you know how to wield it proficiently, of course. Otherwise you can spend a couple of months training in new techniques. Even if they don't instantly propel you to the peak of Innate Realm, depending on their quality – and I have heard that they are of incredible quality – they will allow you to also compensate for the difference in cultivation levels with your opponent. After all, not everything is about sheer strength and raw amount of qi."

"Okay…" I considered it for a moment, but I still had a niggling suspicion at the back of my mind. "Why are you telling me all this? How do you benefit from it?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Hong Yao Yao folded her arms and snickered. "I'm after at least one of those techniques and legendary spirit weapons. You don't expect to hoard them all to yourself, do you? That's why I said I'm coming along."

"And you need my help?" I raised my eyebrow. "With your strength, I'm pretty sure you can navigate a ruin on your own."

"If I could, you think I'll be asking you?" Hong Yao Yao snapped. "This ruin is different from any of the others I have explored before. It's even more dangerous than the ruin where you found the True Fire. Any slight mistake will cost us our lives."

"Ho…" I studied her, but detected no deception. She seemed to be telling the truth. I could sense the near desperation and desire in her eyes, as well as the frustration. She was clenching her fists and unfurling her fingers alternatively, too restless to stay calm. "I guess the higher the risks, the better the rewards."

"Exactly. Also, I've enlisted the help of a couple other cultivators." Hong Yao Yao grinned. "You'll probably know at least one of them. In fact, he's the one who recommended you when I brought you up."

"Huh? Who?"

"You'll see." Hong Yao Yao then looked over my shoulder and waved. "Young miss! You're back! I've been discussing this with your husband, but I would like your opinion too…"

Turning around, I caught sight of Lan Bei Er hurrying back, surprised to see her martial instructor.

"Teacher Hong, why are you…?"

I allowed my mind to drift away while Hong Yao Yao told my wife everything. After a while, Lan Bei Er nodded and turned to me.

"I'll go with whatever you decide."

"That's not how a marriage works. What's your opinion on this?"

Lan Bei Er hesitated for a moment, evidently recalling what I had told her earlier. Then she took a deep breath and nodded. "I think we should go for it. Teacher Hong is right. There's no time limit, there's no need to rush. We might as well try to strengthen ourselves and then challenge the Ruby Rhino once we're better equipped."

"Okay." I scratched my head and pondered for a bit. Coming to a decision, I turned to Hong Yao Yao. I still didn't trust her, but the opportunity was too good to miss. I just had to be on guard, which I had always been doing ever since I ended up in a demonic sect. "Let's meet the other couple of people in the party, then we'll set off as soon as possible."

As it turned out, I did know one of the two other cultivators that Hong Yao Yao had recruited into her party (or the other way around). The moment I saw his familiar figure from a distance, my heart went cold.

The red-haired cultivator turned toward me, his aura just as fiery as ever. His gaze remained sharp, and he glanced at Hong Yao Yao before his crimson eyes rested on me.

"Seems like you really managed to persuade him to come along, Hong Yao Yao."

"Of course!" She replied, puffing out her chest. "When have I ever failed to do something I promised?"

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up a smile and raised my hand to wave in a friendly manner. "Chi Yan. It's been a long time."

"It has indeed," Chi Yan said. His eyes narrowed, and I felt perspiration drip down my face, both from the heat and the intensity of his gaze. He turned away with a huff, his arms folded across his chest. "I'll let you know in advance. This time, the Nine Yang Divine Energy is mine. And I won't let you stop me from taking it this time."

"Sure, sure." I raised both of my hands in surrender. "You can have it. Last time was…because we didn't have a choice. Hui Ying needed the True Fire more than we did."

"Hmph." Chi Yan grunted, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

"Hui Ying?" Lan Bei Er asked, staring from me to Chi Yan, confused. I shook my head.

"A mutual friend." Then to change the topic, I nodded to the other member. "Um, hello. I'm Hei Ye, and this is my wife, Lan Bei Er. The both of us are from the White Herb Sect. I'm sure you already know Hong Yao Yao."

"I do." The last member of the party grinned, flashing white teeth against his dark skin. His tanned skin was the color of the earth, and he wore a red and yellow robe that was almost reminiscent of a monk, but it bared his broad and muscular chest. He towered over us, almost reaching a height of two meters, and his body bulged with muscles. His head was shaved, an almost gleaming dome that reflected the sunlight. He reminded me of the citizens of the Xi Nan Kingdom from the southwest of the Tian Xuan Continent. He bowed his head. "I'm He Shan Jie. Like Senior Chi Yan, I'm also from the Elemental Mountain Sect. It is an honor to meet you."

"Same, same." I returned his greeting, lowering my head and cupping my hands. On the surface, this guy seemed a lot friendlier than Chi Yan and more trustworthy than Hong Yao Yao. That boded well. Smiling, I gestured with my right hand. "Well then, shall we set off?"