Chapter 5

*Jamie's POV*

"Come on now Lil Bunny, we're going to be late."

Damian said with his muscular, yet soothing voice that left me in a daze. Snapping out of my thoughts, I walked fast so I could catch up with them. My brother, being childish, called shotgun, so I was stuck in the back seat. Damian opened the trunk of his black Chevrolet 2015 Impala, so we would drop our bags in. I didn't know much about cars, but through my brother's and father's fascination I do have a little knowledge. My mother always said I was a daughter she never had, not to hurt my masculinity or the lack of it.

We got in and my brother reminded me to put my seatbelt on as always, Damian glanced at me through the rearview mirror and let out a chuckle. I could feel my heart skip a beat and the heat rise to my face making me red as a tomato. I don't know how he could make me feel this way, I mean we've only met a couple hours ago.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I got a text from Jane.

Jane: The boys are being annoying 🙄🙄🙄

Wish my birthday boy was with me 😢😭

Me: Well the only person I know

who can shut him up is u 😏😏

Plus isn't your boyfriend with you?

Jane: TBH they are all talking about football and

leaving me out cause I'm a girl with no

interest in any sport except for softball.

Me: Gee~ That makes me feel good🙄🙄

Jane played softball, Dennis was also on the football team, and I was a nerd with friends who did sports. I don't like the idea of running around aimlessly and catching a ball or hitting it with a bat or getting a slam dunk or whatever. I am happy being wrapped around a warm blanket, holding a nice warm cup of tea and a good book to read, especially during rainy days. Or beat everyone in a fierce battle video game and claim victory for myself.

(A/N Please do not hate me for not having any knowledge about sports as I'm an introvert <3)

Damian and Joseph were also talking about football since there was a game coming up next week.

"Lil Bunny, are you going to come to the game next week?" Damian asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Um... yeah. If I missed it Joseph would pout the next day saying that he didn't play well since I wasn't there to support him." I chuckled, as did Damian

"Hey, family is important," Joseph remarked, which caused me and Damian to laugh louder.

"So Lil bunny, since you're finally 16, what do you plan on doing?"

"Well, I should probably get my driver's license, worry about college, get a job to fill my room with everything pusheen." Damian and Joseph laughed at what I said in the end. I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment.

"That's so you," Joseph said, wheezing.


At Dave & Buster's

We all finally arrived, Jane acting as she saw me after many years, hugging me and not letting me go.

"Ugh I should have gotten a ride with you, I was so bored to death." She exclaimed, dragging the 'o' in 'so'.

"Come on now what are we waiting for, IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!" Max yelled, being more excited than I, the birthday boy was.

"Max behave, or they'll kick us all out," Joseph said being the mom, even though he is as immature as Max, maybe less.

"No, Max is right, let's go in before they are fully booked," Andrew said, which made Max rejoice for the support and acted as if he won an award.

A few hours of cake slices, pizzas that don't fit, and beating everyone's ass in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, it was finally 7:15 pm. I looked around to see if Joseph was around since he had to leave before 8, but he wasn't. Maybe he went to the bathroom? Someone tapped on my shoulder, thinking it was Joseph, I turned around to see it was Damian.

"You look anxious, what's wrong?"

"Ah, I was just looking for Joseph."

"Oh, he's gone to the bathroom. The one here was packed, so he went to use the mall's bathroom." Did he just explain why Joseph had to use the bathroom? "Anyway, come with me, I found something that you'll love."

We arrived at a claw machine. Okay, I know what you are thinking, a claw machine wasn't something you'd love since it's hard and all. But you see, it wasn't any claw machine, it was a PUSHEEN CLAW MACHINE!!! A FREAKING PUSHEEN CLAW MACHINE!!!

I looked at Damian, then at the claw machine, then again at Damian, I jumped! IF THIS WASN'T THE BEST BIRTHDAY, THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!!


"Hold your horses, Lil Bunny, I know you're excited," He said laughing.

"OH, I AM BEYOND EXCITED!!! I feel like I've died and gone to heaven." This caused Damian to laugh even louder. I liked it when he laughed. It caused dimples to form in both his cheeks, making him all the more adorable.

"I have a few tickets, I'm gonna exchange them for coins, okay." He ruffled my hair as he walked away. I looked at him raising my eyebrows, a few tickets were nothing. There were at least a thousand of those. He must have won those from car racing and basketball games.

"So, did you ask why Damian calls you 'Lil Bunny'?" I looked over to see Jane next to me. I shook my head. "Well, I can tell you one thing, somebody has an admirer," she said, singing the last part, walking back to Dennis and the others who were playing air hockey. Damian came back with a sack full of coins.

We continued to play. I got a few straps of a little pusheen figure with stormy, but I really wanted the big plushy ones. I tried hard, but couldn't win it. Then Damian did this thing that made the plushie and other small figures fall. I jumped happily and hugged him.

"You did it, you got Megane Pusheen."

"Me- what?"

"It means glasses dummy," I said letting go, but my hands were still wrapped around his neck. His hands on my hips, not moving at all. Suddenly, everything went quiet, the only thing in my mind was what Jane said, playing the word 'admirer' over and over again. I was fixated in his eyes, they were so blue, I could swim in them. My eyes moved to his lips, as he licked them wet, inching forward. I did the same and licked my dry lips wet. My eyes fluttering close, my heart pounding loud.

Before I could, a voice pulled me away. I let go and I was beet red, I couldn't look back at him. I turned around to see Dennis with a confused look. What was I thinking?! I was going to kiss Damian!!! Please kill me now.

I saw Joseph coming back into the arcade with a big bag from Hallmark. Sensing the tension in the arcade, he came up to me, "Mom just texted me, I'm gonna go pay so we can leave." I looked at my watch and it was 7:45 pm. I turned to look at Damian, I saw him covering his mouth with his hands, his cheeks red, so was his ears. Thump. Was he flustered? The seniors all went to pay the bill, I was about to walk up to them when Dennis pulled my arm.

"What were you doing?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"I don't know, I was too excited. I'm gonna go get a bag for my prizes." I replied irritated. I never felt this way with Dennis, and neither did he act like this. I grabbed all my prizes and my big plush. We went back in the same order I came.

Damian and I didn't speak in the car. My brother sensing the elephant in the room -or in this instance, the car- "So Jamie, can you still eat mom's all-you-can-eat-buffet?"

"You know I can," I replied.

"Yet you're so small. I wonder where your food goes? Do you by chance have a black hole for a stomach?" He joked, lightening up the atmosphere.

"Har-Har, very funny. At least I don't gain an extra pound from jus breathing."

"Oh, we are smart now are we?"

"I was born smart." This made all of us laugh. When we arrived at our place, Joseph grabbed the Hallmark bag and went inside, while I was struggling with my bags and the big plush. Damian came over to help me with my bags. Before I went in, I turned around to thank him for everything.

"Um... Thank you for you know, everything. I really had a great time." I said sheepishly.

"It's fine, I had a great time too. Um... so, I was thinking, if you would like to catch a movie with me, you know like Saturday?" He asked, looking flustered. Was he asking me out? "I mean... it's okay since you may be tired tomorrow."

"Well, there was a movie I wanted to see..." I said fidgeting. I looked up to see him beam with... joy?

"So, can I take that as a yes?" I nodded.

"Great! Then I'll pick you up at three." he ruffled my hair and waved again before he left. I stared at him in a daze as he drove away.

"Are you coming in or are you going to stare at the abyss all night?" Joseph said, making me blush. I rushed inside where mum and dad greeted me with hugs and kisses. I enjoyed my all-you-can-eat-buffet. Joseph and I helped mom with dishes (yes I do the dishes even though it's my birthday).

"So what were you talking about with Damian outside the house?" Dad asked out of the blue.

"I was just thanking him for sending us home and for helping me get that big pusheen."

"What else, 'cause he was really happy when he left." Mom said.

"Wait, you were watching us?"

"Surveillance, honey." Mom replied.

"... He asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him."

"When?" Mom seemed a bit too excited.


"OMG, MY BABY IS GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW!!!" I see now why she was excited.

"It's not a date!" I denied.

"Yup cause I'm coming too," Joseph said. Why?

"No you're not, Jamie and his 'friend' are going on a boys night out. So you're not going to intervene." She said making air quotations on 'friend'.

"But mom!"

"No buts- I knew you would say that so I have got plans for you."

"Fine." If you're ever in an argument with my mom, be prepared to lose.

"Okay, since we got that out of the way, I'm gonna go choose your outfit for tomorrow."

"I can choose my own outfit." I protested but my mom glared at me causing me to back away. One thing I learned from Joseph is that never go against mom, she is one stubborn lady, one of the reasons why I love her.

Tomorrow is probably going to *awkward laugh*