Chapter 14

*Jamie's POV*

"OMG! Is that you Damian?"

I looked up to see who called Damian. A girl was waving at us from one of the tables, I didn't recognize her at first. She was pretty, with long black hair, piercing green eyes, and a slender body. Pretty was an understatement, she was the perfect Goddess. She then approached us, a part of me wishes she didn't. Damian's grip on my hand got tighter, I looked up to find his once happy expression turn into cold and emotionless, it scared me.

"Cindy." He said with a cold tone. That's when I realized who she was, she was Damian's ex. Now you may be wondering 'So what if that girl is his ex? He may have had many relationships throughout his high school life since he's a Greek God with a hot bod.' Yes, that is true, he is a handsome guy and one ex is not such a big deal, but Cindy was. Even though we were freshmen, they were already known as a power couple or the match made by God himself, and they were madly in love until Cindy publicly humiliated Damian. She cheated on him with one of the upperclassmen in the football team. She destroyed his heart and Damian fell into depression. He often spent time in our house, but we never crossed paths, I was still in the closet.

"It's fancy seeing you here Damian. How have you been?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me. Somehow it felt like she didn't like me being here with Damian.

"I have been great, thanks. So, what are you doing here? Last time I checked you were applying for early graduation." He replied and you could hear the venom in his words. Cindy didn't seem to like his tone. Her attitude changed from flirty to annoyed.

"Well, that didn't work out for me. You know what, we should totally catch up. How about when you're not babysitting?" Okay, that's it I'm killing this bitch!

"I'm not babysitting, I'm on a date. Cindy, meet Jamie, my boyfriend and Jamie, meet Cindy, an old acquaintance." Woah, I knew he was mad but not even introducing her as an ex, or even a friend, that's harsh. And that showed in her face. She looked like she was about to explode with anger.

"Damian since when do you swing that way?" She asked, being skeptical.

"I don't, I just love Jamie, that's all. He's the only man for me." The girls behind us swooned.

'Wow, I wish I had a man like him.'

'So true.' I couldn't stop blushing. He actually said that.

"But he's a ch-"

"I'm 16 FYI." I cut her off, and that annoyed her even more.

"Well, I won't trouble you anymore. Call me if you want to just casually hang-"

"Can't. I deleted your existence from my phone. Now get lost." He spat at her. She huffed and left us. Not before giving me one last glare. "Fucking bitch." He cursed under his breath. His expression stayed cold even after she left. I got on my tip-toes to kiss him on his cheek (barely reaching). His frown was immediately replaced by a gentle smile melting my heart. "Now will you tell me what you want to eat?" He chuckled at my struggle.

"Hmm... A corndoggie and a strawberry smoothie."



"Corndoggie... Did you mean a corndog?" I instantly blushed.

"S-SHUT UP." I pouted which made him laugh even more. We got to the counter while Damian continued giggling. The guy in the front looked at us like we were missing a few screws.

"Ahem... sorry, o-one corndog, a strawberry smoothie, two hotdogs, and one soda, please." Damian gave our orders.

"Okay, that will be $24.35." The cashier said. He then yelled out our order to the guy in the kitchen.

"Why don't you get us our food while I pay." I nodded and walked off to the pickup counter waiting for our food.

"My aren't you a cute one. You alone cutie." A guy behind me called me out.

"Dude, you do know that I'm a guy right," I asked him. This happens all the time. Just because I am small and don't have defined muscles, I'm often mistaken for a girl. I turned around knowing they often leave me after mentioning that.

"So? That doesn't mean I can't have this fine piece of ass." He said groping me. I jumped away from him. "Hmm, what's this? Shy all of a sudden."

"Hey, do you have any business with my boyfriend?" Damian asked, fuming with rage. The guy turned around to see who interrupted his groping session.

"What- is that you Damian?" He asked with a surprised tone.

"Huh? Jacob is that you?" Damian replied with a surprised look.

"No way. Dude, how long has it been?"

"I don't know, like 3-4 years." They both did a weird-ass fist bump. I tilted my head and looked at Damian confused at the situation. "Oh, Jacob and I are old friends, like you and Dennis."

"Oh, so you guys are childhood friends."

"Yup," Jacob said.

"And you guys haven't seen each other in years?"

"Unfortunately yes. I had to move because of my folks' work. It was an emotional moment." He said wiping a fake tear."

"Like it was. So, why did you grope my boyfriend?" Damian's tone changed.

"Dude look at him, it's a waste not to. Haha." He said goofing off and grabbing me again.

"Hey!" Damian yelled and pulled me to his side.

"Haha, I'm kidding. So you swing that now huh?"

"No, I only like Jamie." He hugged me even tighter.

"I can see why. Wanna join me for lunch?" He asked.

"I don't know..." Damian looked down at me with a questioning look.

"It's okay, you guys have a lot to catch up," I said as I smiled, causing him to brighten up. We got our food and walked towards an empty table. They went through memory lane and joked about the old days.

"What she dumped you? That bitch!" Jacob yelled in surprise.

"Yeah," Damian replied.

"Seriously, I hated that bitch the moment I met her. I knew I shouldn't have let you guys date in the first place. And now she has the audacity to think she can walts her way back in. Hell nah, man." Jacob said, folding his arms above his chest. "Well, at least you got this cutie with you now so no probs. By the way, where did you find him?"

"He's Joseph's brother and he goes to our school."

"Wait, your Joseph's bro. Where has he been hiding you???"

"Haha. So Jacob, are you transferring back to our school?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no. You see, I already got accepted to the K university here, so I'm free until graduation." Our university is one of the top universities in the USA.

"Dang, so you already got your credits?" Damian also got his football scholarship too, but he's not the brightest when it comes to academically.

"Yup. What about you Jamie? Where do you plan on going after graduating?"

"Oh, I'm also going to K university. I don't think I can manage anywhere far from home, haha..."

"Yay, so we are going to be together even after high school. I'm so happy, I can't stand long-distance relationships." Damian rejoiced.

"Yeah, but don't you have to wait for a year for him to graduate?" Jacob stated.

"Damn, I totally forgot."

"Huh, what are you talking about? I'm graduating this year too, you know."

"Huh?" They both said in unison. "What do you mean you're graduating this year? Aren't you a junior?" Damian asked.

"No, I'm a senior. Don't tell me you didn't know? Everybody knows tho." I giggled.

"Duh, I didn't."

"We started freshman year together, remember? Even if we didn't meet personally, I'm sure Joseph must have fussed over me for only being 13 and starting high school."

"We've been together for 4 years and I never noticed you?"

"Well you were really popular and I wasn't out of the closet yet. I came out like sophomore year." I explained.

"But I was at your house when I was heartbroken and I never saw you."

"Like I said, closet-depressed bitch." I said pointing to myself. "During sophomore year, my feelings for Dennis grew stronger. I got scared, I started to think there was something wrong with me. And after he started dating Jane I was completely heartbroken. It took some time for me to recover." I said with a sigh.

"That was the same year Cindy broke up with me." Damian mumbled. "I wonder, what would have happened if we met that year?" He said taking my hand into his. His warmth flowed through his large hands into my smaller ones. I really wonder...

"Well, in my opinion, you guys would have met, talked through your problems and fallen in love with each other. You would have taken each of your broken hearts and made a new one filled with love. That's what would have happened." Jacob commented. Yeah, maybe that would have happened.

"Woah Jacob, when did you get this philosophical?!" Damian said, covering his mouth in shock.

"I'm still smarter than you." Jacob commented back with a smirk.

Today was a great day.