Chapter 19

*Damian's POV*

*At the Davis residence*

"Any more of this and my brain will melt!" Max whined.

"Dude, it's only been like fifteen minutes since we started!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Fifteen minutes! It feels like it's been hours!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs making me wince. Geez, he's always been loud.

"That's because you're not focused on your work. Focus and see how time flies." Andrew suggested.

"Eh~ But that's that's too much hard work..." He winced as he clung to Andrew. They have been like this since middle school, Max being the childish one and Andrew being the mature one. To this day I have never understood their relationship.

"Get off me and get back to studying. If you keep this up, you are the only one that won't be graduating." Andrew exclaimed.

"What! Damian too!" He said pointing at me.

"What the hell do you mean 'too'?"

"No offense dude, but you and I are sorta the same when it comes to education," he said, slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"We most certainly aren't," I said, pushing his arm off me. "Isn't that right Jamie?" I asked Jamie, who at the time was reading a romance novel for some reason. He looked up from his book, looked at me with a blank stare, and looked back down, without saying a word. Ah... My boyfriend betrayed me...

"Hahaha! even your boyfriend denies it." Max laughed with others joining him. I could also hear a few snickers from Jamie.

"Come here you... laughing at your boyfriend's misery," I said, bringing him to my lap and tickling him.

"Hahaha... I'm sorry, but it's true." He said trying to get away.

"What do you mean 'it's true? I'm nowhere as dumb as Max over here,"

"Not as dumb but still dumb. Don't you remember the last time when you had that history test and I tutored you," He said trying to catch his breath, "I had to make you remember the dates like twenty times!"

"That's cause it's history and it's boring. Plus it was one time"

"Okay, how about last night? Even though I provided you with the formulas, you still used the wrong ones and I had to make you memorize even the basic concepts that an eighth-grader would know."

"Geez, you don't have to compare me with a kid. Not everyone is as smart as you, ya know,"

"Sadly that's the truth." He said with such a smug face that it slightly irritated me. "Anyway, get back to your work, we are losing daylight people!" he bossed. Though he is all shy, once he's in a comfortable environment he brings out a side of him that no one would believe that he had. I kissed his temple to which he looked at me with a blushing face and gave me one on my cheek and went back to his book and I went back to my studies.


*(six hours later...)*

"THIS IS PURE TORTURE!!! WE HAVE BEEN AT IT FOR SIX HOURS NOW WITH TWO THIRTY-MINUTE BREAKS!!! OH WISE ONE, PLEASE LET'S JUST STOP HERE!!!" Max begged as he kneeled in front of Jamie. That's right, we have been studying for six hours straight and now everyone has had enough.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it had gotten this late," Jamie said, not sounding very apologetic.

"Yeah, why don't you guys leave after having dinner?" Joseph suggested to which we all agreed. "So, what do you guys want?"

"Pizza!" Jane cried out.

"Chinese!" Jamie yelled.


"Chinese!" The two of them yelled at the top of their lungs. Gosh, these two could have been twins.

"Okay, leaving these two out, what do the rest of you want?" Joseph said as the two of them stared at each other, you could see electric sparks colliding.

"Let's get burgers," Max suggested. I was okay with anything, Andrew and Dennis also agreed.

"So, burgers it is. Let's go!" Before Joseph could walk out, Jamie pulled him by his sleeve and brought out his infamous, irresistible puppy eyes. Joseph tried his best to not give in to his brother's desire, but he was not successful. "Okay fine, we can stop by the Chinese place and get you what you want." Satisfied with the answer, he smiled the brightest, probably blinding everyone in the room.

"Hey, what about me?" Jane protested. Joseph looked like he was about to pop a vein.

"I'll have pizza with Jane, you guys can get burgers and Jamie's Chinese cuisine." Dennis intervened before Joseph exploded. We all left, leaving the three of them home alone.


*(At the burger joint)*

"Argh, my butt hurts from sitting for too long," Joseph complained, thinking he might have gotten used to Jamie tutoring him. We were waiting for our food and Max was flirting with the girl on the counter and believe it or not, it was working. Max is annoying but you could call him a sinful charmer.

"Max, get your butt over here we got our food," I yelled, can't wait to see Jamie.

"In a minute, I'm getting her number." He said taking his phone from her and mumbling something into her ear. "Let's go, I'm starving." He said drooling.

"When are you taking her out?" Andrew asked (sounded like he was jealous).

"After the finals were over. These finals have gotten everyone on edge, good thing we have an amazing tutor." He nudged me.

"Yeah we do," I said happily. We got Jamie's food and went back home to find him doing a victory dance while Dennis and Jane looked like they went through hell.

"What's going on here?" Joseph asked.

"I just won a huge ass plushie of pusheen." He said dancing around, he looked like a kid getting candy. He's the cutest!

"That plushie is over a hundred dollars! There is no way we are getting you that!!!" Jane cried.

"Sorry, it's a bet." He said wiggling his butt, god he is so cute.

"But-but..." Jane tried to fight back,

"Jane, give it up, I still have to buy him another plushie," Joseph said, not making any eye contact. What was he buying? All three of them looked really depressed.

"Jamie, I don't think they can buy you whatever you won from them. How about you ask them for something else, like an all-expense-paid trip to the zoo or-"

"The zoo!" He stopped and looked at me with sparkling eyes, more like he brightened up himself. God, he could blind people with this angelic light.

"Yeah, the zoo, how long has it been since we went to the zoo?" Joseph asked, trying to sell the idea. "It's been a while, hasn't it. Don't you want to see your favorite animals?" He spoke to Jamie as if he was a five-year-old. And in turn, Jamie got even more excited about the mention of animals, how is he 16? He's as smart as a genius, well he is a genius, but the littlest things make him happy.

"Okay fine, now where is my dinner?" He said finally agreeing. We all sat down for dinner but after dinner 3 more hours of studying. I take it back, he is not a kid, he's a demon!!!