"Everyone follow me, I'll show you where the game will take place."

He began walking away, without even turning his head. Everyone followed after him. Like a mother duck and her ducklings, they made their way to the game site.

Along the way, Connor noted the numerous boxes, items covered in cloth and dust, and even an old TV.

This reminded him of... an attic.

They were in an attic.

He hadn't noticed all the clues earlier due to the previous area he was at being clear and clean. He almost entirely ignored the wooden floor too.

Now that he thought about it, if they were in the attic, were there others downstairs? Humans? Was the companies presence completely unknown? Did that mean he was just placed within a body of a plastic soldier while others were carrying on with their lives? Or was it that there were other toys alive, just like him, while humanity was gone.

Whatever the case may be, he just hoped that whatever was beneath and out there was friendly, or at least, easy to kill.

With a mild case of concern within his heart, he followed as they made their way passed through an opening between two boxes.

As they went down the corridor, they entered into an open space.

Well, it would be classified as an open space if there weren't simple structures placed within it. There were cardboard walls erected in four separate areas. Located in the middle was a simple, solid green flag, upright, lodged within a stand. This would be their arena and that, would be their flag.

"Alright gentlemen, this here, is where you'll do battle. Each game will be fifteen minutes long. Ostranders team will be gold, Miller will be silver, Sayke is iron, Flynn, copper. Those are your team names, each corresponding with their respective location. Before the game begins, you will be given ten minutes to familiarize yourself with your base, your teammates and piecing together a strategy. Ten minutes may not be much but I don't care. Now, before you head out, pick up your beating sticks, you'll need them for later. Once that is done, your ten minutes starts. I will not let you know when the countdown begins."

Finished speaking, the captain walked away, bringing with him the auxilliary unit. They would be acting as helpers.

With the captain now gone, everyone quickly picked up a weapon and went looking for their base.

If the way they came in was the southeast, then team coppers base was in the west. Tall, cardboard walls protected three sides, with the fourth, the entrance, having the only opening. Near the back sat an empty stand meant for the flag. All in all, it was pretty bare.

As everyone gathered withing the walls, there was silence, no one spoke a word, then, as if prearranged, they all looked at their team captain, Flynn.

Their captain kept silent and responded with a smile. After a minute of a one on forty staring contest, the captain won out. Everyone simply gave up and began discussing a plan. Markus being one of the key figures.

Hudson wanted a direct confrontation, leveraging their numbers and forcefully taking away the flag.

Not many agreed with this approach, including most of his squad. This displeased him.

"What's wrong with my idea? I don't think it's a bad one!."

Markus was the one with the strongest objection.

"Of course you think so, it's your brainchild! if we were to follow your plan, even if we were to take the flag, what would we do next? Your idea is to use every last man to crush the opposition, but what about our defenses? There'd be no one in place to cover our retreat, leading to a total wipe. You may argue that we'll quickly get into our positions but they'd still be hastily put in place."

"We can always leave a few behind, having them prepared to cover us."

"But that would split our manpower, the whole point of your plan is crushing the others with overwhelming strength. What you just said goes against what you originally proposed."

"What do you suggest then, Cherry."

Hudson put emphasis on his last name, attempting to provoke him. But Markus didn't even notice it.

"I'm not sure, does anyone here have any ideas?."

This is when the fourth sergeant popped his head out. Meina seemed a little uneasy with all the attention he drew to himself.

"How about we, uh, have our fastest runner sprint for the flag, with a few escorts there's a good chance they'll make it back here."

Everyone contemplated this suggestion as Meina fidgeted where he stood. They tried to spot any weakness within the approach.

Eventually, it was Vale who spoke out first.

"I'd say it's a gamble that would normally have a low risk and high reward, that is, if our opponents don't take advantage of the opportunity, if the runner were to fail, we wouldn't have the flag, but, we could possibly become trapped if they decide to surround the entrance. Essentially, it would go from low risk to an almost certain wipeout. The pressure would be high for the runner and their escorts. Our highest chances of winning would be in the very beginning. As for whether I agree, I'd say it's worth the risk."

Everyone nodded in agreement, feeling Vale's explanation made sense. The other two agreed to it as well.

Now, as for who the runner would be...

Before anyone could ask around, a clear voice appeared from behind the conversing group.

"I'm the fastest, so I'll do it."

Everyone turned their head, only to to see Flynn stretching his legs.

"But si-"

"Didn't you say you needed the fastest, and I said I'll do it. There isn't much to go over. Also we're out of time.

Before anyone could respond, Flynn flicked his cigarette away and a booming voice rang throughout the arena.