Update #2

You could say I just posted an update, literally before the latest chapter.

Though if you were to do that, I'd call you an idiot <3

Anyway, I'd like to say it's not my fault I've posted nothing in the last 3 months, nor a single clue to what I've been doing in the meantime.

To be completely honest, I don't think I was gonna update LGM anytime soon but what can I say? I'm a sucker for praise ;)

Well it's not like I've been doing nothing either. I've thought a good few new and interesting ideas for stories that I might get around to writing while I'm not writing LGM.

And yes that means I'm going to start writing this story again very soon. As in, probably in the next day or two.

At least when I have time to.

Spring break is just about over and I have work after school on weekends now.

But do you know what that means?

Who ever reads this can pay me for my words!

Isn't that wonderful <3

Anyway goodnight, I'm tired.

PS. One of my birds popped out a few eggs and now we're confused on which is a female

PPS. The names or at least the placeholder names for the stories I'm interested in writing are : The Furnace Knight, Pantheon in the sky, The Wild Dog Mercenary, The Prince of Hell, Champion of the ages.

But fr tho, should I make a p.a.t.r.e.o.n or something, does my writing quality even warrant getting paid for