Do or die

"Can we?"

It was the most appropriate question given the state everyone was in.

Could they physically do it?

Flynn didn't look up when he answered the Captain.

"Whether we can or not doesn't matter. Either it gets done or we die."

While he wasn't completely wrong about that, that's only if this was truly their only option moving forward.

This discussion just so happened to be held in order to explore these said options.

Bell looked to his remaining lieutenants, hoping for either one to interject and offer their own solution or opinion, more so than before.

He didn't feel comfortable if they lacked more than option.

Felt like putting all his eggs in one basket, more or less.

But he would end up disappointed.

Ostrander kept silent, not even looking up and staring blankly into the ground.

Miller also kept silent but Bell could tell his mind was racing, a look of concentration betraying his various thoughts.

Flynn, meanwhile, played with his knife and kept digging into the snow.

Eventually, after some time had passed, Miller spoke up, but Bell winced at the strain he was obviously putting himself through.

"I can… get behind it. We wouldn't get very… far… in this damn… snow."

He said this through gritted teeth, biting down and pushing past the pain in his chest.

He continued.

"But I have a few… questions. Where? Not much… here except some bushes. What exactly are we… making our…selves. What about after… this snowfall… ends and the conditions… are more acceptable for… the tans to move…out. Our fighting ability… is almost non-exis…"

"Miller slow down, take some time and breathe. No isn't the time to over-exert yourself."

Bell had to tell him to stop talking. The more he did so the more the pain took a hold on him.

Hearing this, Miller paused and stared at Bell with a look of bewilderment. He stood there and promptly… fell backwards.

Shortly after he began coughing and wheezing unable to draw in a breath.

Bell raced to his side and tried to aide his Lieutenant.

This was when Flynn began answering Millers questions.

"Ever heard of igloos? What I'm envisioning is something similar but more so in the ground. Think of a hole with a roof above it. Along with this is that you really right. Not much here except bushes. That's where we'll most likely set up everything. This also plays into what we'll do when the Tans will be able to pursue us. They wouldn't expect us to be so close. At least that's the hope anyway. We'll be right under their noses and if everything goes well, they won't realize it's us they're smelling. Meanwhile… we leave when we can, when an opportunity presents itself or when everyone is in an acceptable state. But, I don't have an answer for everything, that's why we strategize together. Think all of it over. Now, is this fine with you, Captain?"

With the sudden mention of his title, Bell whipped his head around to find the gave of his Lieutenant fixed on him.

He easily met those inquisitive eyes and answered.

"That is acceptable, Lieutenant."


"Here, eat some of this, it'll help with the healing."

Carefully, he fed the Green a portion of the food they had brought along.

The Green had steadily grown worse, their wounds being affected by the outside cold.

They gradually lost the strength to even move.

Pelk looked around and, while thankful his patients condition wasn't the standard, it still hurt that so many were in bad shape to begin with.

Many were suffering the cold as it attempted to invade the wounds of the others… nothing to be done about it.

Just as he was about to go back to his treating the wound man before him, something caught his attention in the corner of his eye.

He turned to face whatever it was and found out what it was.

Or more so, who they were.

The surviving officers and his Captain.

They walked into the middle of everyone, drawing the various soldier's attention.

They stood their silent, waiting until everyone would be listening.

Bell spoke out to them, his voice loud to get past the sound of the rushing snow.

"We've come to a decision regarding our situation and what we'll do going forward."

Some were visibly relieved at that.

At least they seemed to have come up with a plan.

The Captain continued.

"With that being said, it won't be easy. Not on any of us. The only way we'll get through this, is if everyone works. We'll need every hand to ensure our safety."

This got varied reactions.

Some were understanding.

Some were tired and simply wanted to rest.

As for Pelk?

He was angry.

Hands tight into a fist, teeth bared as he grinded them against one another.

What he heard was that they'd used even the seriously wounded to do whatever they had in mind.

As a medic, he couldn't bring himself to let them work in their conditions.

That is simply unacceptable.