Spawn of Stygian

Salana was indeed surprised to hear that. She had to admit, out of all the things she thought Dahlia would say, she didn't think she'd start off with that. 



"Surprised?" she asked.



"Of course I am. I've never heard anything about him having a sister. Well, you did say unofficially, "she mused.



"Right! My mother was always beautiful. Bright sapphire eyes, long red hair, and classical features. My dad, my adoptive dad, I should say, met her when she saved his life on a mission for the pack. He had been wounded too badly for his body to even start healing itself. There were too many things for it to focus on, so it started with the most urgent.



 Unfortunately, it was all relatively urgent. He had heard the sound of water while trying to get to a village for help and decided to go there before he collapsed a few meters away. He lay near the stream, so close but still too far, struggling to get to the water when he said he saw her.