In Process of Editing

Salana shot off at top speed, with her guard following close behind them. She kicked off of a rock and leapt into the trees, instantly gaining a boost to her speed. The only thing on her mind now was getting to her child in time. What did Jason say? She didn't need to be the one to save her, but if she wasn't there, it wouldn't work out as smoothly for them? That meant that her presence was ultimately necessary for whatever reason, so she had to make it in time. 

Jason..... well, she'd worry about Jason and what to say to him later on. When ahe hears a slightly rasping breath behind her, she turned a little, only to see her guard struggling to keep up with her speed. This was why she had told him that he could stop when he was tired. She was stronger than him, after all. She had only taken them with he so she could have more options.