Fascinating Scenery

After checking, Nathan can't help but frown.

'There doesn't seem to be any problem with my body, but why does it feel like something is tugging a part of me?'

Nathan was pretty sure that there was no problem with his body as he checked it carefully.

But he really can feel an unknown force pulling him somewhere.

However, Nathan can also feel that this unknown force doesn't mean to harm him.

Because of that, he became extremely curious.

'I should go and check it out,' he thought.

Standing up, he approached James and said a few words before leaving.

Irish, who's been looking at him the whole time, wondered where he's going.

So she went to James and asked.

"Hey, James, where is Nathan going?" she asked in a low voice.

James eyed her for a while, then said, "He said that he's just going to relieve himself. What, wanna go with him?"

Irish immediately blushed, she hurriedly went back to her spot.