Back to the Camp, Worried Irish



Nathan appeared on the surface of the water.

"The cold water feels nice!" he said,

Getting out of the pond, Nathan took out his clothes from his storage.

Yep, that's right. Nathan swam on the pond butt naked.

Since he has no other clothes to wear, this is the only thing he can think of. No one is here to see his naked body anyway so he is not really worried.

Hurriedly wearing his clothes, Nathan picked up his backpack and left.

He already mentally noted the path he took to get to this wonderful place, so Nathan was not worried about not finding this place again.

A few minutes later, Nathan came out of the woods and he heard the voices from the hiker's club.

"It's been too long since he left, are you guys sure that he did not get lost in the woods?"

"Well, if he did get lost, then we have to find a way to look for him."

"Yeah, he looks like a nice guy, we should hurry up and start searching for him."

The 'camp' slowly came into Nathan's view.