Food Processor

Then a new notification appeared on his phone.

[Eternal Moonlight Lake is stabilizing.]

[Time until complete stabilization: 24:00:00]


Seeing it, Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm? What's the stabilization for?" He asked.

But since the system is not here, there is no one who can answer. It is even doubtful whether the system will answer that question though.

"I wanted to see what this new lake can do but it seems like I still have to wait until tomorrow, huh. Hais..." He sighed,

Shaking his head, Nathan turned his head to the side where Natura is.

But he saw her dazing, looking at the lake with her mouth wide open.

"What's the problem, Natura?"

Natura turned her head to look at Nathan then looked back at the lake below and sighed.

She shook her head saying, "It's nothing, Master. I just realized something."

"Hmm?" Nathan looked curiously at her and asked, "What is it?"