Levelling Up!

After talking with the waiter for a while, Nathan was able to smoothly handle everything and remained seated, waiting for the orders that he bought.

At the same time, the manager of the restaurant was informed by the waiter of this happenings and immediately went to the hall and announced it to the other customers.

Hearing that all of their food will be paid for by Nathan, everyone was happy and thanked him with a smile full of joy.

Nathan also happily smiled back at them while waiting for his orders.

Not long after, Nathan's food also arrived.

Without hesitation, Nathan started eating unhurriedly while taking in the scene in his surroundings.

He sighed and thought, 'Having money really is the best.'

After finishing his food, Nathan got up from his seat and paid for everything before leaving the restaurant in the midst of the eyes of everyone that was full of awe.