New Car

Leaving the potion shop, behind Nathan is the vendor waving him goodbye with a bright smile on his face.

Since he bought a lot of things, the vendor, or Pon as he introduced himself, was very enthusiastic with serving Nathan.

Besides the 50 Health Potions that he bought, Nathan also bought 50 pieces each of Mana Potion, Antidote Potion, Strength Potion, and Agility Potion.

From the name of those, you can already guess their uses.

Overall, he spent 7,500 Null Energy Stones.

(AN: Health/Mana Potion = 10 Null, Antidote Potion = 30 Null, Strength/Agility Potion = 50 Null.)

To note, the currency being used in this market is Null Energy Stones.

Nathan doesn't have a complaint since he has a lot of it in stock.

After buying the potions, Nathan decided to leave the market so he walked back to the door he used to get in here.

Passing through it, his vision darkened again and the next moment, he was already in the white room.