Showered in Sorrow

It was evening when the heat from the attack finally faded away. After that attack, there was nothing left in our apartments.

But I was relieved. Some lost their families... I didn't.

I was seated on a chair inside a motel, waiting to book a room. We needed a new room and this would do it... for a few more days at least.

"Sigh... You have the money, right Tsujii?" Akira asked me. I nodded. She slowly leaned towards me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know what I would do without you..." she said to me.

Those very words were enough to remind me of the scene that happened to me in the morning. What the girl had said to me?

"I know how a father would feel if they ever experienced a moment like this...."

I sighed. My wife quickly looked at me when I sighed. I never was down and out no matter what. But this time... Things had changed.

"It's ok, Tsu-chan. You can do it..." she slowly caressed my face with her hand as she told me this.

I loved her the most because she was always there for me. I didn't want to love anyone, besides her. "Thank you, Akira..." I held her hand tight.

Hours flew by and we finally got the rooms by eight.

I booked a room with two beds, one for my daughter and one for my wife and me. Finally, I had a good shower for the day.

The water was warm and the fresh feeling calmed me down a bit. But when I was calm, I remembered something that had flown over my head for this long.

I was mutated...

I let the shower water run down my face. I kept my eyes closed, and yet... I couldn't get a clear view of my memory. Why was that?

'Mutations... What do I know about these? Remind yourself Tsujii!' I told myself. I kept searching my head for answers.

And I got some memories of a book that I've read about mutations. I recalled those paragraphs I've read about it.

"A mutated person has inhuman abilities that come with consequences of its own. Once a person is mutated, he/she will go through some dilemmas. They will be affected physically as well as mentally...."

These were the paragraphs I recalled. It was hard to memorize those science theories, but at least I knew the basics.

First of all, I didn't feel anything affecting me physically, but it was definitely affecting me mentally. I didn't even know what inhuman powers this mutation provided. I didn't have that much time to talk with that girl.

But even if I knew it, I couldn't use it. Akinoshita was filled with Rings... If they ever notice that I am a mutant, they would take me too; if what the girl said was true.

"What the hell should I do with this power?" I questioned myself, taking a glance at my hands.

The place was filled with utter silence now. Just the sound of the running water. I was wondering to myself... 'What should I do with it? Should I call the Reapers? Should I tell the Rings? Should I tell it to my family first?'

Each one of them was a difficult choice.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I quickly looked up and...

There was a flash inside my head! Yes... It was inside my head! All my thoughts were gone in a single moment. Then, I heard my wife's voice.

"Man... What are you doing in there Tsu? Come out! I'm waiting to get a bath too, you know! Even Mitsu is complaining!"

I chuckled as I heard this. "Mitsu never does!" I called out to her. I could hear a faint chuckle outside too. For a moment, I was back with my family. Then again, my thoughts... my feelings... they disappeared with that bright flash in my head.

It was like... Glitching.



We had dinner from a restaurant nearby and went back home. Mitsu always loved restaurants... She didn't understand much about the things happening in town but she knew that Akira and I were in sorrow.

"Mommy! Let me kiss you!"

She leaned towards Akira from the back seat and kissed her on the cheek. I chuckled after she did it. Then, she leaned towards me and kissed me too.

"Aii! Come here, my little princess!" Akira quickly snatched Mitsu up and cuddled in her embrace.

We were driving back home at the time. I loved it when Mitsu did that. She loved me and Akira more than anything.

I was living perfectly till this crazy day. I was a light novel author who lived a free life. I had my wife, my daughter, and money too. But this destroyed everything.

I still got chills running down my spine when I thought about the Glitch thing. I hated myself for going closer to it. Just that... Was enough to ruin my whole life.

After getting home, I sat down on the bed till Akira got a wash.

My daughter was sitting on the couch in the living room. I went to sit down with her.

I had a rather strange habit. I always told all of my worries to my daughter. Mostly because she didn't understand them but... She would always do something to cheer me up afterward.

"Hmm... What you up to Mitsu-chan!" I sat beside her on the couch. She was reading a manga.

"Miyaki-chan! She's not playing with Shimu-senpai!" she roared out. Must've been the characters of that manga. It was a new one which I haven't read yet.

I laughed and hugged her.

"You know Mitsu... Papa had a miserable one today!"

She froze, looking up at me. "Why papa!" She quickly hung on my shirt and snuggled with me. "What happened Papa!?"

"Well... Papa got some powers... Now Papa might get caught from the Rings!"

She glanced at me and tilted her head. She must've not known what I was saying. "Let me kiss you again Papa!" She came to me and kissed me on my cheek again.

"Ahaha!" I chuckled and rolled her on the couch. She was truly one of the best things that had happened to me.

Then, I remembered it. I didn't wanna lose her. I wanted her to stay with me forever. And if the Rings caught me... I would be dead. Then, I remembered someone else who I had to tell this to.

'What would happen if I tell Akira about this? What should I do....'


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