First Spirit Soul

As a slight humming noise sounded out from the metallic helmet on his head, Gloxinia started to the shadow that had showed up during his martial soul awakening. Unfortunately, this "vision" was currently just a shadow as he couldn't get closer to see it more clearly.

Wanting to see it more clearly, Gloxinia tried to move towards the shadow and see what it is. As soon as he took his first step, he was assaulted with what felt like a massive headache, and was forced to close his eyes shut.

After a few minutes, he was prepared to open his eyes once more to take a look at what it was, but at that moment the slight humming noise from the helmet gradually stopped and the helmet was taken off his head gently, causing Gloxinia to only catch a glimpse of a pinkish-red color before the "vision" disappeared from view.

Turning his head to see why the Soul Master had taken off the helmet so soon, he saw the Soul Master staring at the tablet in his hands with wide-open eyes, seemingly in disbelief. Although he knows it's most likely from his high spiritual power, he still had to ask what's wrong so he gives off the impression of being ignorant about his own strength.

"What's wrong, Mister Soul Master?"

With the sound of Gloxinia's voice, the Soul Master came out of his stupor and started to rub his eyes to make sure he saw correctly.

When he confirmed that he had indeed not made a mistake, the Soul Master looked at Gloxinia with stupefied eyes as he stammered out, "I-It's nothing, just surprised at the surprisingly high amount of Spiritual Power you had.."

With the last word being held out for a few seconds, the Soul Master seemingly entered deep thought as he pondered over what could be the cause to this phenomenon.

After all, usually people who awaken with a large Spiritual Power have martial souls related to the mind or control type. But, Gloxinia's martial souls weren't related to either, they were Defense and Auxiliary type.

"Truly a pity that your only martial souls are a blanket and a pair of wings, which neither need Spiritual Power.. What a pity indeed." Muttering a few words of disappointment, the Soul Master had supposedly gotten over his shock and motioned for Gloxinia to follow him as he told him about his results.

"From the test we have taken, your spiritual power is 102. This means that you are at the Spiritual Connection realm. Unfortunately, because neither of your martial souls have anything to do with Spiritual Power, it's just a waste for you to have such high Spiritual Power other than slightly enhanced vision and brain functions."

As they walked back to the counter, Gloxinia unconsciously furrowed his brows as he thought about what the Soul Master had said.

'It seems like information about Spiritual Power is still not too well-known if even the receptionist at the Spirit Pagoda doesn't know it's true purpose.. Because if I remember correctly, it was said in the novel that a spirit master only needs their spiritual power to reach the spirit abyss realm to become a Titled Douluo, but here this guy is telling me that it's useless.. Ignorance truly is a sin.'

Arriving at the counter, the Soul Master grabbed a white container that had a butterfly with glowing purple wings inside it.

Handing it to him, the Soul Master started speaking, "This is your spirit soul, Mystefying Butterfly. This spirit soul usually gives out a spirit ring that has an ability related to speed, illusions, or flight. Now that you've gained your spirit soul, you will need to register yourself in our database."

After saying that, the Soul Master reached down below the counter and grabbed another tablet. He started handing the tablet to Gloxinia whilst speaking, "Take this tablet and register, it's already on the registration page. You know how to type and spell, right?"

Nodding to show his understandment, Gloxinia took the tablet and sat down at a couch nearby.

Looking at the tablet curiously, Gloxinia noticed that the registration was quite primitive compared to what you would have to do on earth. All that's needed is the name, birthdate, innate soul power, spirit power, and martial souls to register.

As he finished registering, he gave the Soul Master back the tablet and hurriedly left the Spirit Pagoda and ran to his dorm. Gloxinia just couldn't wait to get his first spirit ring anymore, after all anyone who has ever read or watched douluo dalu or any type of fantasy novel in that matter would fantasize about using the powers found inside.

Thus, Gloxinia reached his dorm in record time and hurriedly went inside and threw his shirt off. As he knew from the novels that there is a chance of exhaustion and sweating.

Taking the spirit soul container out, and taking off its shell so its only the spirit ball left, he stuck his finger inside. His finger gently passed through the Mystefying Butterfly's body. It seemed to have felt it, as it spread its wings. Even though it had an illusory form, it was still able to twist around his finger and intimately stick out its little wings as if to pat him.

He brought his hand up to his face, allowing him to clearly look into the Mystifying Butterfly spirit soul's small brown eyes. Its eyes were cloudy and unfocused, with a hint of terror to its confusion.

It was also a living being and would permanently dissipate if he didn't fuse with it within twenty-four hours.

'A beautiful spirit soul for the start of a beautiful journey. That's very fitting.' Gloxinia cheered himself on as he flipped his palm, releasing soul power to summon a faint green halo from which Basquias appeared from.

The Mystifying Butterfly could instinctively sense the existence of the martial soul as it flew up Gloxinia's finger, quickly reaching Basquias.

The soft green light glowing from Basquias suddenly released a powerful radiance. When the light fell upon the Mystefying Butterfly, a faint amethyst purple ring of light emerged from its body.

This was the first time Gloxinia fused with a spirit soul, but Lin Ximeng had taught him specifically about spirit souls as well as what fusion felt like during class today.

A feeble mind penetrated into Gloxinia's head. It felt amiable and frightened, but it was also brimming with a feeling of dependence.

Gloxinia opened up his soul and accepted it inside. Changes immediately began to arise upon Basquias while its soul power surged forth.

He closed his eyes and silently entered a state of meditation as his fusion began.

The little Mystifying Butterfly twisted and turned within his palms. Apart from that first connection between the two of them, nothing else had been transmitted. This was the intelligence of spirit soul of the lowest grade. The more powerful a spirit soul was, the more intelligent it would be. A spirit soul above the purple rank was even capable of communicating with its host. Legends say that a spirit soul that surpassed that rank could even help the host in battle.

Of course, Gloxinia knew this was more than just legeend as he had even read about it in the novels.

The little Mystifying Butterfly's amethyst purple light gradually took on a green tint while the blanket form of Basquias quickly changed.

The originally soft and fluffy blanket harmoniously curled up and gradually grew until it was about as long as half the size of the room. After that, it started thickening until it was as thick as the wooden planks on his floor. Finally, it started glowing gold and gradually changed material while the front part of it changed into an almost full cicle with a spear-like tip.

Upon a careful inspection, inscriptions of tree roots could be found on the spear-like tip.

The Mystefying Butterfly's body had grown a bit and was now approximately eight centimeters long. A rainbow smear had also appeared upon its wings. The fusion smoothly finished.

The Mystefying Butterfly's spiritual power was too weak; it was basically impossible for it to resist at all.


Words: 1491

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay in the chapter, I was dragged into going to an arcade with my friend group after school.

Also, it is unbelievable that ever since last night we have gained 100 more collections! Thank you all so much, we are now at 185 collections and almost at 200!

If we can reach 200 by today, I will post an extra chapter today.

Also, the update schedule im trying to go for right now is one chapter a day.

P.S: Check the comments of the description of the new basquias form for an image to have better visualization. I had a hard time trying to explain how thick and long it is..