Class 1

As the sun rose high, the opening ceremony started.

The opening ceremony was on Eastsea Academy's huge plaza. It was only during this ceremony that both clusters of students from the Advanced Academy and Intermediate Academy met.

Being one of the shortest students there, Gloxinia was positioned at the very front. This gave him ample opportunity to observe the whole plaza, as well as all of the teachers and staff within the academy.

At the intermediate academy, there were around a hundred students within each grade, totalling up to a rough figure of seven to eight hundred students in all. Compared with the intermediate academy, the group at the advanced academy was significantly smaller as there were close to two hundred students. Students in the advanced academy were divided into three grades. It was thus an arduous task to get into the advanced academy that only had a small succession rate of 20% of students coming from the Intermediate Academy.

With such a high number of students, it was a bit surprising that there were only 5 teachers per grade, as back on earth, Gloxinia was already used to 30 kids in a classroom with about 20 teachers. And there were only 400 students in his school!

"Good day students. We shall now begin the Eastsea Academy's annually held opening ceremony. The President of Eastsea Academy has been invited to the ceremony and he will be making a speech shortly."

Eastsea Academy's President was a senior who looked to be about sixty years old. He had a medium build and didn't look that exceptional. He gave off a bookish atmosphere with his head full of white hair and pair of eyeglasses.

"Welcome to the academy, students. Every single year at this time, I feel a bit sad that students from the intermediate and advanced divisions have graduated, and have left us. However, some of the intermediate students will enter the advanced academy in addition to our new students."

"As I see it, academies are like the blood of society. It receives individuals into the academy and later delivers them into society. In the near future, I hope all of you can..."

The President was very eloquent in his speech. In fact, he didn't even have a script to read off of. He spoke excellently for a full hour before he brought his speech to a close.

The pinnacle of the opening ceremony proceeded right after the President's speech – class assignment.

Students who did not need a class assigned to them were slowly making their way out from the crowded plaza. Fresh faces from the advanced academy left towards their academy for their own class assignment. What was left within the plaza were the new students of the intermediate academy.

"We will proceed with the class assignment. It is known that within Eastsea Academy, the smaller the class number, the more prestigious class. Though that is a fact, we too hope for exceptions where students from the last class will work harder and perform better. We have a total of one hundred and eight new students today, divided up into five classes. The students whom I will call up next are in class one…"

"Wang Jinxi, Zhang Yangzi, Gloxinia..."

There were twenty five students within class one, and it was the 2nd smallest class of them all. Each and every one of them had an excited expression.

"Class teachers, please direct your students to their classes and help them familiarize themselves within the academy."

Five teachers appeared before the crowd as the announcement ended. One of those five teachers headed towards the direction of class five.

This teacher looked to be about 27 or 28 years old. When the students of class five turned to look at her, they were all stunned.

This teacher was simply too beautiful!

This teacher, stood at a staggering height of over 1.7 meters along with a pair of heavenly thighs and a thin waist. Black stockings accentuated her perfect long legs. Though she looked thin, the combination of that along with her brightly lit eyes, well-set nose, and plump cherry red lips enticing all who looked at them gave off an image of beauty and intelligence. The mass of hair was swept to the back of her head. A random current of wind caught on her amethyst-purple tresses and rested them on her thin waistline, affirming the length of his hair.

Her pupils were of a smoky purple, as if they were made of a poisonous fog that clouded the mind of the beholder. The colour matched well with her purple hair, giving off a strange temperament. Her face seemed irritated, unconsciously making those who see her believe they are in the wrong.

One of the boys in class one breathed out quietly, "The teacher is so beautiful!" Unknown to the boy, he had voiced out the thought of all the students.

Gloxinia twitched his lips at the comment, though his facial expression showed indifference.

"Come with me!" This young teacher spoke simply. Though the words were simple, it left a certain feeling among the students, right within their hearts. This feeling…

Zhang Yangzi whispered under his breath, "The teacher seems to be too beautiful."

She seemed to be too beautiful indeed. Her mere appearance in the plaza had stunned everyone into a trance. If her appearace causes others to suffer such a great effect shows she is not ordinary.


The classroom for class one was located at ground level, positioned at the outermost area of the building and requiredd a little bit of walking to reach.

There were thirty sets of tables and chairs in the classroom. The teaching platform was positioned at the front of the classroom.

"Take your seats." The youthful teacher said coldly. Every single time she spoke, it always gave off a feeling of beauty!

Gloxinia picked a desk on the left-side at the front after much consideration. His height would have obstructed his view if he sat in the middle row or back row, so he picked one in the front. As to why he picked to sit on the side, it was so he wouldn't be too noticeable. Although he doubts many will notice him with such a beautiful teacher teaching them.

The beautiful teacher walked to the platform after entering the classroom. As she turned and scanned through the faces of the students before him, the chatter stopped and the classroom regained its silence.

"My name is Ye Yingluo!" The beautiful teacher introduced herself plainly, though you could still hear a trace of grace in her voice. "For the next six years, you will all be under my tutelage."

"I would like to emphasize a point – even if you are weaklings right now, I will train you into the strongest students within your cohort. That is unless you choose to drop out; otherwise, that shall be your aim for the next six years."

While the words were full of arrogance, Ye Yingluo spoke with a graceful tone and it attracted the attention of all the students within the class.

"You shall introduce yourselves – your name, martial soul, soul power rank, and your aspirations. Tell me all of it. You may begin!"

It was clear and simple, nothing overboard.

The area Gloxinia sat at happened to be the place the teacher pointed at when she said "You may begin" so he stood up and started giving his introduction.

"My name is Gloxinia, no surname. I have twin martial souls, Basquias and Fairy King's Wings. My soul power rank is 28 and I have no aspirations other than to become the strongest of them all." Gloxinia's introduction started and ended plainly. There was no hint of nervousness or embarassment, it was as if he was simply stating facts the entire time.

This type of confidence is one where it can be interpreted as either someone with arrogance or someone with a calm conscious who knows their worth.

As he sat back down, Ye Yingluo's beautiful eyes widened and shook, as if in a state of shock. After all, who wouldn't be in shock after hearing a 9 year old who was almost a Soul Elder?

Coming out of her stupor, she lifted her jade-like hand and moved some of the hair that had fallen on her beautiful face to the side.

Afterwards, the introductions continued.


Words: 1413

Author's Note: I'm down bad bro.

P.S: Check comments for images to descriptions