Class 1 Competition, Part 2

Eastsea Academy, Field.

As Gloxinia and Wang Jinxi summoned their respective martial souls, Gloxinia's first spirit ring lit up as Basquias turned into its first form, Sacred Spear.

With a slightly amused smile on his face, Gloxinia mocked Wang Jinxi a bit, "Oy, try not to die."

"I should be the one telling you that!" as a slight smirk formed on Wang Jinxi's face, he taunted and fused with his martial soul at the same time.

2 yellow spirit rings slowly rose from underneath his feet and the first one lit up, turning both of Wang Jinxi's hands into dragon-like claws.

Placing one of his feet behind him and leaning forward, Wang Jinxi launched himself at Gloxinia at a speed that should be impossible for a 9-year old child.

Gloxinia watched him rush at him with an amused expression and quietly ordered Basquias to trip him.

As Basquias started glowing, it levitated towards Wang Jinxi's feet at inhuman speeds.

Leaving behind a glowing yellow trail, Basquias stopped right infront of Wang Jinxi's feet and tripped him, causing Wang Jinxi to be launched forwards a bit and fall towards the ground face first.

As Wang Jinxi skidded forward on his face, his second soul ring lit up and his head suddenly seemed as if it became transparent.

Using his dragon claws to stop himself, he lifted his face and showed everyone that although his face was a bit dirty, there wasn't as much damage as there should've been.

"Nice try! Unluckily for you though im invincible with my second soul skill!" Smugly exclaimed Wang Jinxi

"Hoh?" quietly exclaiming, Gloxinia could see that his head had turned incorporeal, similar to Obito from Naruto.

Although he had revisited his memories of the novel using the Head Key, Gloxinia only glanced at the beginning battles before skipping them as he was confident in defeating any child in the academy.

But, it seems like that was a mistake as there were a lot of unique abilities in the soul master world that weren't really explored in the original. Wang Jinxi's ability, seemed to be one of them.

But, a kid is still just a kid. It's quite obvious to someone as experienced as Gloxinia in anime fights that Wang Jinxi can only turn a small part of his body incorporeal.

Thus, Gloxinia simply commanded Basquias to hit Wang Jinxi on the back of his knees softly just to make him fall to the floor.

With yet another glowing golden trail being left behind, Wang Jinxi simlpy felt tremendous force on his legs before he lay down on the floor stomach down.

'Whoops, I think that was a bit too hard..' although Gloxinia thought this, he still went towards Wang Jinxi and turned Basquias back into Form: Zero, wrapping up Wang Jinxi inside it to make him unable to move.

"Alright, that's enough! The winner is Gloxinia!" Ye Yingluo quickly determined the outcome of the match and stated the results to the rest of the class.

Walking back to the circle, Gloxinia concernedly asked Wang Jinxi, "Yo, you okay? I kinda hit your legs a bit too hard.."

Grimacing a bit as he also walked back to the circle, Wang Jinxi replied, "It's fine.. I've always been strong since young!" and as if to demonstrate his strength, Wang Jinxi lifted his arm and flexed his biceps whilst making a big, bright smile.

Giggling a bit at this, Gloxinia made a small smile that made Wang Jinxi blush a bit.

'Calm down Jinxi! He's a boy who just looks like a girl!' repeatedly saying this to himself, Wang Jinxi's blush died down and they both went back to their spots outside the circle.

As the rest of the fights continued for the rest of the round, the last round started. Now, it would have originally been the second-last round but 2 of the contestants were too tired to continue, making it the last round, as well as the last fight.

"Gloxinia, Wei Xiaofeng! You're the last fight for today and then class will end!" Shouting this out, Ye Yingluo told them to go to the center of the circle and start the final fight.

As his name was called, Gloxinia started walking towards the middle of the circle while Wei Xiaofeng did the same.

Unlike his last fight with Zhang Yangzi, Wei Xiaofeng didn't have a smug smile or arrogance on his face.

It seemed like unlike the novels say, not all people in cultivation worlds were stupid people who didn't learn from others fights.

Reaching the center, Wei Xiaofeng started speaking solemnly, "Although I acknowledge you are strong, now that you have shown your strength there are no more surprises! I will win!"

Hearing this, Gloxinia took everything back. Novels were correct, this dude is an idiot. He hasn't even used his second spirit skill yet and Wei Xiaofeng has.. If anyone has no more surprises to show it would be him.

Sighing while shaking his head, Gloxinia responded simply, "Sure sure. Lets just get this over with."

With that, both of them summoned their martial souls. Just like the last 2 times, Gloxinia still didn't summon his Fairy King Wings.

With a loud shout, Wei Xiaofeng used his first spirit skill and 2 more Wei Xiaofengs appeared.

Seeing this, there was no trace of panick on Gloxinia's face as his second spirit ring lit up, transforming Basquias into it's second form, Guardian!

As Basquias transformed into a huge insect-like beast, a strange expression slowly formed on Wei Xiaofeng's face as he backed up a bit.

When the huge bee-like insect appeared, everyone who was watching was stunned in place from shock! This spirit skill was simply not related to a blanket or spear at all! It makes no sense!

Unfortunately, Wei Xiaofeng was also someone who was stunned, and Gloxinia took advantage of this by making Guardian grab all 3 Wei Xiaofengs with its arms and then jumped onto its back.

At this time, Ye Yingluo came out of her stunned position and announced the results, "Gloxinia wins! Class is dismissed!"

Hearing this, Gloxinia jumped off Guardian and turned it back into a blanket that gracefully placed the three Wei Xiaofeng's down. As soon as Basquias placed them down, it disappeared and Gloxinia started walking back to his dorm.

"Hehe, seems like I won!" with an innocent smile on his face, Gloxinia didn't forget to taunt Wei Xiaofeng.


Words: 1121

Author's Note: I think these fight scenes came out pretty well..

Also, I have been thinking of future Spirit Fusion's and need some ideas for those..

Finally, thank you all for 80k views! We doubled our views in only a few hours! Thank you all so much!

P.S: Extra chapter will come out today because I might not be able to post one tomorrow.