Rebellion Spirit Ascension Platform, Part 1

Gloxinia and the others all stared at Wu Zhangkong in shock and curiosity. If the spirit ascension platform had already proved to be extremely effective at improving their combat ability, then what about the rebellion spirit ascension platform…?

Wu Zhangkong said, "Twice a year, the spirit ascension platform will rebel. At first, they were caused by the unstable energies that the spirit ascension platform was made of. As the technology progressed, however, they were able to gain control over the rebellion periods and turned them into a special feature of the spirit ascension platforms. During a rebellion period, the soul beasts will grow excited and become more visible, increasing the danger within the spirit ascension platform. The Eighteen Pillars of Heaven imposed a limit of 300 people to enter the rebellion spirit ascension platform each time. This time, you four are fortunate enough to be one of those 300 people after the academy spent an enormous amount of resources to secure four quota spaces for you. You should appreciate just how great of an opportunity this is."

"During the rebellion period, you will be able to enter the spirit ascension platform as a team, but your number cannot surpass seven. Since there are only four of you, so there will be no problems for you to enter together. This will serve to test your coordination as a team. Don't forget though, in addition to soul beasts, you might encounter other Soul Masters. They will pose just as much of a danger to you as soul beasts, because if you are ejected from the spirit ascension platform within the 100 seconds it takes to absorb a soul beast's spiritual energy, the remaining energy will go to the nearest Soul Master. These are the special rules of the rebellion spirit ascension platform."

Xie Xie asked, "So you're saying that other Soul Masters can steal our spiritual energy, and we can steal their spiritual energy too?"

Wu Zhangkong spoke dismissively, "If you're confident you can try, but don't forget that Soul Masters with up to three rings can enter the elementary spirit ascension platform, and those that want to enter a rebellion spirit ascension platform have to pay an enormous price. This means that there is a high chance that teams of three ringed Soul Masters will appear and kill as many soul beasts as they can to try to upgrade their spirit soul. If you truly decide to attack them, then you should be prepared to face a powerful opponent."

"You will enter the spirit ascension platform in three days. You can take the next three days off as a vacation to rest and prepare."

Vacation? Ever since they had entered class zero, they hadn't had any opportunities to rest apart from the one rest day they had every week.

But now they were given three days off! Xie Xie and Tang Wulin immediately took the lead to express their joy with cheers.

Gloxinia turned pensive at the thought of three days of free time. 'What should I do in these three days? That much time isn't enough to make any improvements for battle. Three days is also not enough to enter the Fairy King's Forest..'

The reason why three days isn't enough to enter the Fairy King's Forest is simple, when he had tried to do so before, the system had told him that he had to stay inside for a week before being able to go and come as he pleased.

The reasoning he was given was so that the Sacred Tree could familiarize itself with him. It sounded like bullshit to him, but he can't do anything about it unfortunately.


Three days later, in the dorms.

As Gloxinia was resting in his dorm, someone suddenly knocked on his door, the knocks had barely any breaks between them, as if the person knocking was in a rush.

Opening the door, he sees Tang Wulin standing there with slight sweat going down his forehead.

"Come over to my room. I have something to tell everyone." Tang Wulin waved, then proceeded to the next room.

Hearing him, Gloxinia went back to his dorm room and closed his door with a lock, planning to use the Head Key to see what this is about.

A few minutes later, Gloxinia got out of his dorm and walked over to Tang Wulin's room, mulling over what he had just seen.

In his memory, Tang Wulin had gone to his classmates at the same timing to give them all a gift of sorts, a metalic vest that gives defense yet doesn't hamper agility.

Arriving at Tang Wulin's dorm, Xie Xie quickly teased Gloxinia for being late, "What took you so long? Doing your makeup?"

Ignoring him, Gloxinia went past Xie Xie and sat down on an empty chair, looking towards Tang Wulin who seemed excited.

"Mr. Captain, what did you call us all here for?" Xie Xie said in a teasing manner.

Tang Wulin said, "I have something to give all of you. Here, try it on and tell me if I need to adjust it." As he spoke, a pile of metal objects poured out of his storage ring. He then proceeded to distribute them.

"This is…" When they saw the items that Tang Wulin handed out, everyone but Gloxinia was shocked.

They were vests, vests forged from metal. This metal vest was made from numerous thumb-sized silver metal disks linked together in an ingenious manner to form a chainmail.

What was even more astonishing was how flexible and light the vest was. It was made in the style of chainmail, and if one inspected it closely, they would discover faint cloud patterns sprawling across the pieces of metal, exuding an exotic aura.

"It's so light. What is it made of?" Xie Xie curiously asked.

Tang Wulin said, "It's made from an uncommon metal called Cloud Titanium. I used the Thousand Refinements to purify it then forged chainmail from it. Although it's light, it's still extremely tough. When we enter the spirit ascension platform, we're scanned and everything on our person will be brought inside, so if we wear this vest when we enter, we'll be able to use it inside and it'll increase our chances of survival.

Gu Yue spoke slowly. "Is this considered cheating...?"

Xie Xie said craftily, "How could this be considered cheating? We're just taking advantage of the rebellion spirit ascension platform to improve ourselves."

"Although it doesn't fit perfectly, it doesn't hinder my movements either. It doesn't encumber my agile movements. Gu Yue, try punching it." Xie Xie said eagerly.

"Okay." Gu Yue punched straight at Xie Xie's stomach.

With a 'bang', Xie Xie was knocked onto his butt.

"Ouch, you should have taken it easier!" Xie Xie complained.

Gu Yue cooly said, "What use is there in going easy? Captain really made these well. When I hit it, it felt as if I was striking solid armor or an iron panel. Technically, you were only pushed over by my force, you weren't knocked down."

Xie Xie got up and rubbed his stomach. 'That's right! My stomach doesn't hurt at all.'

Gu Yue looked at Tang Wulin. "Is this the reason you were gone the last three days?"

"Yea. It's just making some preparations before the battle. You were both correct, this can be considered cheating in a way, but at the very least, we can ensure that everyone won't be as fragile when faced with those soul beasts anymore. As long as we can survive even a minute longer in the spirit ascension platform, it will be considered an achievement in our exam and allow us to hunt even more soul beasts."

Xie Xie looked at the Thousand Refined Cloud Titanium vest in his hands. He then shifted his gaze to Tang Wulin, a hint of shame filling his eyes. So this is what that guy was doing…

"Hurry up and try them on!" Tang Wulin urged them on.

Everyone started experimenting with their vests. Though Tang Wulin had little experience with making clothes, a vest was simple enough for him to make.

He had also taken Gloxinia's wings in consideration and made his vest have two holes in the back, for his wings to go through.

"Alright, that's all. Let's all do our best tomorrow." Tang Wulin stretched out his right hand. Xie Xie was the first one to pick up on Tang Wulin's intent and quickly placed his own hand atop Tang Wulin's. Gloxinia and Gu Yue took their cue and added their own hands underneath his palm.

The four of them cheered, "Let's do it!"

Throughout all this, Gloxinia couldn't help but internally cringe. This was insufferable for someone with his mental age.

Unfortunately, he has to act as if he is a part of their team for 2 main goals.

1, Wu Zhangkong will grade them based off their teamwork and 2, Tang Wulin has Tang San and Xiao Yu watching over him 24/7, if he acts strange he might just be killed on the spot by a godly being.

It is also good for him to befriend future gods in their childhood, he could gain something out of it in the future.

Not only that but Tang Wulin also has the "Child of Nature" power, which could be used for his Fairy Kingdom.


Early morning. A heavy fog had enveloped Eastsea City during the night, hindering visibility and making it seem like everything were just hazy figures.

Despite the usual lack of cheer haunting the city at this time, the Spirit Pagoda was bustling with excitement. As one of the Spirit Pagoda's Eighteen Pillars of Heaven, it was one of the entrances into the rebellion spirit ascension platform.

A single entry card for the rebellion spirit ascension platform auctioned for over 100,000 federal coins and it had no set market price. The Spirit Pagoda organized the distribution of these cards every year. Even though the chance to achieve spirit ascension was miniscule, everyone would go crazy for that chance.

The moment that the first glimmers of dawn peeked over the horizon, Wu Zhangkong and the students of class zero had arrived at the Eastsea Spirit Pagoda. The earlier they entered, the less likely they were to encounter any competitors.

"You all must remember that at its peak, the spirit ascension platform will be filled with many other people, of whom many will be your enemies. You only have one mission inside of there: survive! Anyone who doesn't pass the final exam will be penalized."

After hearing Wu Zhangkong's warning, Xie Xie couldn't help but ask curiously, "Teacher Wu, what's the penalty?"

Wu Zhangkong shot him a glance. "Your vacation days will be cancelled." After every term was a month-long vacation, so when he heard that their vacation might be cancelled, Xie Xie immediately went wide-eyed in shock. He had been looking forward to the month-long vacation for so long already.

The others also exchanged looks of panic, this includes Gloxinia as he needs the vacation to go to the Fairy King's Forest.

"Let's go."

After the four students handed over their entry cards, they were lead by a staff member to a familiar room. As Eastsea City's only intermediate academy, not only did Eastsea Acaademy have tremendous influence, they also maintained a cordial relationship with the Spirit Pagoda. If not, they wouldn't necessarily have been able to secure spirit ascension platform spots even if they had money.

Eastsea Spirit Pagoda had set up this room especially for them, which allowed Wu Zhangkong to monitor them. This wasn't normal but was actually preferential treatment.

"The spirit ascension platform is highly dangerous during the rebellion period. You have all entered the spirit ascension platform numerous times now and understand what it's like inside, so I don't need to give you any more warnings. Just remember to immediately hit the exit button the moment you are in danger." The staff member gave them a few words of warning.

The more times one had entered the spirit ascension platform, the less chance one would encounter danger like Gloxinia had during his first time.

The four students separated and entered their own metal boxes. Under the staff member's control, the boxes closed and the light disappeared. The scan initiated, preparing to send them into the spirit ascension platform.

The staff member inserted four cards into a slot then pressed a big red button. This was a part of the safeguard system for the rebellion period. These cards allowed one to enter into the spirit ascension platform, as well as the designation of the coordinates one would appear at.

After a moment, the four of them them awoke from their daze and were greeted with the sight of a boundless great forest. The forest was no different from the one they were used to, but this time, the four of them had entered together.

The air was fresh and the plants a vibrant green, just like how they remembered it. They couldn't see any difference from the normal, peaceful spirit ascension platform.

Tang Wulin ordered, "Into formation."

Tang Wulin took a few steps forward and was in the vanguard of the group. Xie Xie and Gu Yue on the other hand, went to his sides, forming a sort of triangle.

As for Gloxinia, he used his Fairy King Wings to hover above them in the middle of the triangle, acting as a watchman and also ranged attacks.

This formation was given the name, "Illuminati", suggested by Gloxinia.


Words: 2359

Author's Note: Gloxinia will not be in a team with them, trust me this is just temporary. I know Gloxinia was a bit of a side character here but, it is what it is!

Also, I noticed that my fan fic was being uploaded to those sites you read at when you don't want to use coins to read chapters, and honestly im flattered cause it means im at least doing something right.

Finally, this story will start deviating from the main plot of SL3 / DD3 after the Skysea Tournament arc.

Thank you for so many collections and powerstones!