Three days later.....

"Get out of my way!" Max's sister, Nicole screamed, shoving me to the ground. She was twenty-two years old and an unmated her self, so she was being even a bigger bitch than normal. She actually didn't even live in the packhouse anymore, she lived on her own in one of the small houses within the territory. She was only here for the ceremony, and not even because she wanted to congratulate her brother but she was hoping to meet her mate. The rumor quickly spread that the few of the Alphas together with their Betas that were going to be in attendance were also unmated, including the King of Werewolves. The unmated she-wolves in this pack were practically already planning their future weddings and Luna's ceremonies. I just gagged at their ridiculous imaginations.

In addition to the unmated Alphas, and Betas, those that are mated and were older were apparently bringing some of their unmated daughters with them to see if they would be the mates to Max. Unbeknownst them, Max already had a mate, whom he rejected, Me. It was going to be pretty funny to see all of them leave completely empty handed. Although, who knows, maybe the Moon goddess will give him a second chance, and she will just as a big of a pain in the ass as Max. Now that would be something I would pay to see.

I got up from the floor, and just walk away from her. I didn't want to hear her belly aching and high pitch screams all night. I went back to the kitchen and finalized the food preparations for the ceremony. I was getting a f*****g migraine from the constant 'Go Away'high pitch screams from the other Omegas in the house, and the 'get to work' high pitch screams coming from Nicole. I secretly hoped that I would be able to sit in my room during the ceremony, but I already knew that wasn't going to happen. I was going to be forced to serve a crowd of close to 400 werewolves.

Just one more night of this bullshit. I thougt to myself. Yeah, just one more night and I will be free.


I was sitting at the back of the car with my Beta Alfred at the driver seat. We were in our way to the Blue Moon Pack territory to be in attendance for the transfer of the Alpha title to Maximino's son, Maxandreo, also Max for short, thinking about their names make me laugh out loud. I was wondering when that little punk would finally become an Alpha. I hated this pack with passion, but we weren't necessarily close nor rivals, yet. The way that Maximiano ran his pack was ridiculous. He treated his pack members like shit, and his kids was just spoiled brats.

I couldn't wait to put them on our rival lists. Once the transfer of the Alpha title was complete, the treaty of my father to Maximiano would end, and I would be able to break the nuetral pact we had with them. I wanted nothing to do with a pack that slaughtered packs for power and money. The last pack he took over was apprently the Silver Moon Pack of the North little over ten years ago. I had just taken over as King of the South, and the news spread like a wildfire.

My father regretted having had entered into a neutral pact with them, but he did it because of that time, we were a weaker kingdom than the North and I wasn't old enough to take over yet. Once I did though, I grew our kingdom to almost triple it's size. And I did it in the right way. By making allies, taking an non-violent rouges who had nowhere else to turn, and training the men and women of our kingdom to be fighters, trackers and hunters. I was now the King of Werewolves in the South, the largest pack in our land.

"Hey!, get your head out of the clouds, and ge out of the damn car," Alfred said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"F**k you Alfred!" I muttered getting out of the car. Eventhough Alfred was my Beta and my bestfriend, he sure could be an asshole at times. I sometimes wondered if I made a mistake making him my Beta.

(ERAH's P.O.V.)

As I was running around getting the last minute preparations in order, people were bustling around the packhouse like chickens with their head cuts off. The Alphas and Betas of the other packs were starting to arrive, and all the unmated wolves were going insane. This was supposed to be the ceremony for Max gaining his Alpha title from Maximiano , but no one really cared. They wanted it to be all about them. Even his own sister doesn't care that her brother was becoming the new Alpha.

Little by little, small crowds of guests and pack members were getting seated out in the backyard for the ceremony to begin. I was serving drinks to the tables and were getting more than enough dirty looks from pack members. I wasn't even doing anything other than working, but they felt the need to stare down at me. Whatever, just a few more hours, and I would be done with this shit.

"Hey, you're pretty hot for an Omega," someone I don't know said. I could sense that he was ranked, but not an Alpha nor the King. A Beta perhaps.

"Thank you?" I said without certainty.

"When do you get off of work, I'd like to top that sweet ass," he said trying to contain his laughter.

"Sorry, but I'm an underage, I doubt you want to be labeled as a Pedophile," I lie sraight through my teeth. I pour his wine and walk away. I can hear him grumbling at the thought of hitting on a minor. For a ranked wolf, he was pretty stupid. My scent alone would show that I'm not underage. Men are stupid. I couldn't wait to get out of here. Just a few more hours to go.

As the ceremony got underway, Maximiano, Maxandreo and an Elder were on the platform. Maximiano rescinded his title as Alpha and pass it on to Maxandreo. The Elder then did the whole speech about Max being the best Alpha tha he could be, to be fair, just, and loving, blah blah blah. The Elder cuts Max's palm, drawing blood into the gold chalice. After Max was officially announced Alpha, everyone was free to mingle and eat. That was my cue to leave and hide out in my room.

As I snuck away from the backyard and through the living room, I felt someone grab my arm and turn me to face them, before I could even see who it was, I felt a sharp pain across my cheek. It was so sudden, and the force was so strong, I fell to the ground. After a minute of trying to get my brain to focus, I looked up and saw Nicole.

"What the f**k?" was all I could say.

"You sneaky little bitch! Are you trying to get me sick!?" she shrieked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked from the floor.

"There's cheese in Enchiladas! You know damn well I am lactose intolerant! Seriously? She was blaming me for having cheese in the enchiladas.

"Are you f*****g kidding me right now? I didn't make the menu Nicole, Your mother did!" I spat. "And you're going a f*****g idiot!"

"What?" she screamed.

"Enchiladas are made with cheese; it's called for in the recipe. look it up iin Google," I stood up to my feet. "The fact that you don't know that makes you even dumber than you look," her face was priceless. I already knew i would end up getting beaten, but pressing her buttons was kind of fun. "And no one told you to eat them, dumb f**k," that last comment earned me another slap, but this time it was from Nefali.

"Hoe dare you talk to my daughter that way?" she growled. It wasn't even really a growl; it was more on a grunt or a burp.

"Mom, she said you are the one who ordered cheese enchiladas," Nicole said.

"I am."

"Mom I am lactose intolerant!"

"Erah! Why didn't you remind me that Nicole was lactose intolerant?"

"It's not my f*****g job to remind you what your child is allergic or intolerant to. If yo can't remember that, then you are one sorry excuse of a mother," me and my big mouth got me slapped, not once, not twice, but three times. The third slap knocked me to the ground again, and I felt a kick to my abdomen, which knock the wind out of me.

"Don't you ever.." kick.. "Ever"... punch to the face. "Ever",.. slap again. "Ever".. kick to the chest. "Talked to me that way again!" Nefali shrieked in her high pitched mousey voice nad kicked my face with the ball of her foot.

"F**k you," I muttered. Yes, I didn't know when to stay down. I'm an Alpha by blood, and an Alpha will never submit to anyone specially to those low ranking werewolves. So, sue me. I saw her foot coming at my face again, when a massive roar shook the entire house and stopped her dead in her tracks. I had no idea what it was or who it was, but a part of me was just glad it happened. I could feel myself going in and out of conciousness when the faint scent of fresh rain flooded my senses. Then i heard a very soothing, yet very pissed off voice.


Did he say, MATE?