(ERAH's P.O.V.)

"Mate," Thalia said.

"What?, we don't have a mate.

"We do now,"

What in the world is she talking about? Perhaps the kick to my head affected her memory too or was playing tricks on her. I caught a glimpse of the clock and saw it was two hours past breakfast.

"Shit," I shouted. I reached over and pulled he needle out of my hand, which caused the machine to start beeping uncontrollably. I stood to my feet, eventhough it was very painful to do so, I rushed out to the room. I had no idea where I wassince I had never been to the clinic before. I stopped a nurse walking by who looked at me blankly, "I'm sorry Miss, but which way bact to the pack house?" I politely asked her.

"Through those doors," she said and pointed behind me.

"Thank you," I grabbed my side, where Nefali has kicked me, and just hobbled back to the pack house. As much as I wanted to be out of here, by tonight, I don't think I could With these injuries. When I made it through the hose and into the kitchen, I was immediately pulled by the hair and slapped across the face.

"So you decided to sleep in!? What makes you think you could go away with the shit you pulled last night?" Nicole spat. God, this bitch was still in t he packhouse? i told myself cursing her.

"Erah, you are late!" Maximiano shouted from the middle of the table. Huh? Oh, that's right, he's not the Alpha anymore. Where the hell was Max? He wasn't at the head of the table.

"I'm sorry, I woke uo in the clinic, and I have no idea how I got there,"

"Are you trying to make us starve!?" Nefali's yelled with her shrilling voice breaking the sound barrier. Ugh, I don't know how the hell Maximiano puts up with her, let alone Nicole and her own 'nails on a chalkboard' voice.

"Please give me twenty minutes and will I made breakfast made,"

"Twenty minutes?! You are asking for twenty minutes when we should have been fed over two hours ago!? Nicole screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Would you rather I not make anything at all then?" I sneered.

"Dad! Do something about this bitch!!" Nicole shouted.

"Awww, Can't stand up for yourself that have to ask dear odl daddy to come amd save your pathetic ass? And you call yourself an Alpha's daughter?"

"Ahh!!!," She screamed and raised her hand to slap me again, but someone caught it.

"I could have sworn you were told to hands off of her," some really good looking guy said to Nicole.

"Beta Alfred, keep your hands offof my daughter!" Maximiano shouted.

"As long as your bitch of a daughter keeps her hands off of the Luna," Did he just call me Luna?

"LUNA?" I heard Max's revolting voice come from the kitchen entrance. He had his arm around some omega.

"Oh, good morning Alpha Max," the good looking guy, whose name is I believe is Beta Alfred said to Max.

"Yes, this beautiful young lady here is the future Luna Queen of the South," Max's expression went dark and fast. He dropped his arm from the Omega and looked at me.

"Alpha Max, I suggest you take your eyes off to our Luna unless you want to deal with my Alpha who is the King of the South and already pissed off as it is," I watched as Max dropped his eyes. Even though this guy was a Beta, something about him just screamed high-level. Who was the Alpha King of the South, although I have heard about him through rumors i don't know him in person and why did this Beta say that I am their future Luna?

"Erah!!! Breakfast isn't going to make itself!" Nefali screamed. I was about to turn around and grab ingredients out of the fridge when Beta stopped me.

"Sorry Luna, but the Alpha would like you back in bed to rest. This pack can find someone else to make their food. Now that you have been claimed by the Alpha King of the South, there is no need for you to work anymore," he saiad with a dashing smile.

"Beta Alfred, you can't just take her!" Maximiano shouted.

"Actually, I can, because I know for a fact that she is not even a pack member of this pack, so, you have no legal claim over her," he replied with such a serious tone and then smiled back to me. I just stared blankly and blinked in utter confusion. My head was starting to hurt even more now.

"Come, Luna," he said and picked me up in a bridal style. Max growled at him, but it didn't faze him. Alfred just keep walking.

After a minute or so, we were back at the clinic, and he gently placed me down on the bed. I saw his glaze over, which meant he was mind linking someone, but who? A few minutes later, the scent of fresh rain hit me again, and the hunkiest wolf I had ever seen walked in with another older gentleman. My eyes bulged out of my head when I saw this guy.

He was easily over six feet tall, he had light brown hair that was sleeked back,and sides of his head were shaved clean. He was wearing a simple white V-neck tshirt and some blue jeans. His super musculararm was covered in tattoos, and I could see his chest had some as well. His eyes were tea colored, both of his ears were pierced, and he had some facial hair on his chin. His nose was very prominent, his cheekbones were perfectly square, and his lips were plump. This man was nothing short of beautiful.

"Mate!" Thalia screamed. She was howling in excitement. I just watched as he came around to the other side of the bed. The fresh rain scent was coming from him, and it was strong. My throat became dry while I looking at him. He sat down in the chair next to my bed. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Who was this gorgeous man?

"He is ou mate stupid!"

Don't call me stupid, Thalia!

Would the moon goddess really gave me a second chance? There was no way, this guy, this hunk of a man was my second chance? Could he?

"How are you feeling?" the older man asked me, tearing me away from my thoughts.

"Um, I'm a little sore, and my throat is dry," I told him honestly.

"You seem to have healed quite nicely, but you shouldn't wander around on your own just yet,"

"I was just..."

"I understand you went to go to do chores; however, you need to rest, and as the pack doctor, I'm ordering it," he cut me off.

"But I'm not aloowed...."

"You are now," he cut me off again. "I will ask the nurse to bring you some water," I just nodded. What the hell was going on? "I also went over your blood work, and it appears that you are severely anemic. I am going to give an iron injection, potassium, and vitamin B12. I also suggest that once you are released, you go stand in the sun for about thirty minutes a day to get some Vitamin D,' I nodded again, and he gave me a few shots before leaving.



"Leave us,"

"Sure thing," he said and got up. "Luna," he bowed his head and walked out of he room. I looked back at the god-like man sitting next to me.

"What is going on here? Why does he keep on calling me Luna?" I ask him.

"Because you are his Luna, he's just being respectful," he replied. Oh my God, that voice, it's the soothing voice from last night.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"My name is Szevastian Forde, Vasty for short, and I am the Alpha King of the South," he replied and took my hand. I immediately felt a jolt of electricity shoot up my arm, but it wasn't painful, it was sensual and amazing. "What's your name?"

"Hera Gail Bourdreaux, but I go for Erah for short."

"Did you say Boudreaux?" I nod my head."Any relation to Damianus Boudreaux?"

"He was my father. How do you know him?" Vasty let out a short sigh.

"He was a friend of my father's when he was still the Alpha King. We heard about what happened to your pack, and that Blue Moon Pack waas responsible for it. We had no idea that there were any survivors,"

"I was hidden away during the fight, and was found by Maximiano when they were clearing the house,"

"Do they know that you're an Alpha's daughter?" I shook my head.

"Only Max knows,"

"How does Max knows?"

"Because I need to use my title when I accepted his rejection,"

"Wait, are you saying that you were Max's mate?" I nod.

"I found out the morning of my 18th birthday. He rejected me immediately, and I accepted without hecitation. I didn't want to be his mate. I refuse to be the Luna of this pack of murderers.

"No wonder he was pissed when Alfred brought you back to me,"

"I know you were my Mate, and apparently, I am your second chance," he said and kissed the back of my head. I gasped softly at the tingling sensation it gave me. I didn't feel like this with Max. I honestly couldn't wait to be rejected by him, but this guy is different.

"Alpha Vasty,"

"it's just Vasty, my love, you don't have to be formal with me,"

"Vasty, I don't know if I can do this,"

"Do what, my beautigul love," I immediately blushed.

"I'm not worthy of being a Luna, let alone yours. I'm broken, and I'm technically a rouge,"

"Well, that is not up to you to decide, It's th Moon Goddess. She gave me you to me, and I plan on keeping you. So, do not even think about rejecting me, that is unless of course, you want me to die of heart break," he smiled. What the hell? Did he just use reverse psycology on me?

"I....Uh.." he smiled again.

"Erah, my love, will you at least give me the chance to earn your trust and your love?" he asked with the utmost sincerity. I looked into his eyes, and all I could see was desire of him pleading. He hasn't done anything to hurt me, and I can already tell he is a better Alpha than Max will ever be.

"Yes, I can do that," he smiled and kissed the back of my hand again. The tingling feeling came back, my heart started to race and my core started to heat up. For a split second, I wish the back of my hand were my lips.

Was this the mate bond?