I was sitting in the clinic room next to Erah as she got much needed sleep. Alfred was keeping watch at the door making sure that no one other than Doctor John came to check on her.I didn't trust anyone in this pack to treat her, specially not after all the awful shit that they had put her through. A few times throughout the day, Nicole, Maximiano's daughter tried to pick through, but Alfred block her path. I wasn't sure if she was coming to harass Erah more or to get a glimpse of me.

Alfred told me what Nicole did to Erah earlier in the morning. The fact that she had at the nerve to hurt Erah again eventhough she was still recovering from the assault she and her mother inflicted the night before. Typical on self entitled brat.

"Mmmm..." I heard Erah stir. I inched to the edge of my sit, to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable or in pain. She smacked her lips a few times, and moved her head around, before opening her eyes.

"Hey, my love, did you sleep well?" I asked her. She gave me a small smile with her blushed cheek and nodded.

"How long have I been asleep?" she softly asked.

"About four hours."

"Oh wow, that's it?" she asked staring at the ceiling. "That was probably the bestfour hours of sleep I've ever had in my life," I just looked at her blankly as she tried to sit up. I got up and support her back with my arm. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

"This bed is so comfortable," she said patting the side of the clinic bed.

"You think that bed is comfortable?"

"It's better than the shit I've been sleeping on for the last ten years," I furrowed my brows at her comment.

"Erah, do you not have a bed?"

"I have a cot,"

"A what?"

"A cot," she wrinkled her nose. "Think of it as a small trampoline with no springs, and is supported by four plastic legs," I still had no idea what she was talking about. I took out of my phone and Google what a cot was, I scrowled at the image.

"This thing?" I asked and showed her my phone, and she nodded. I was about to say something when the Doctor came in.

"Good afternoon, how are you feeling?" he asked her.

"Better now that i've gotten some real sleep,"

"That's good to hear. I'm going to do a quick physical exam; would you mind lifting your shirt?" She looked over at me and paused a moment. I stood up and turn around facing the wall. I could hear her lift her shirt, and I have to keep myself calm knowing that the doctor was staring at her bare skin. It's his job, I keep telling myself, and to King.

"Ah." I hear Erah's voice, I wanted to turn around to see what caused her harm, but before I could, the doctor spoke,

"Well, you rib area still seems to be a bit tender the touch, but your facial wounds seem to have cleared up nicely. Eventhough your immune system is weak, you have a strong healing capabilities, specially now that you've gained your wolf."

"You can turn back around Vasty," Erah said to me. I turn around and take my seat next to her bed again.

"Doctor, when can Erah be released?" I asked him."Oh, so your name is Erah," he said with surprised. I had forgotten he doesn't know who she is. "Well, I would like to keep you one more day, but your feeling up for it, I can release you today; However, you would need to be on bed rest until your rib heals fully,"

"I can do that," Erah replied.

"Absolutely no housework, Miss Erah, bed rest means bed rest. You can go outside for some sun because you still need the Vit D, but nothing strenous.

"Don't worry Doc, I will make sure she is comfortable," I told him.

"Very well then, Alpha, if you will come with me, we can start her release papers,"

'I will be right back, my love," I told her and kiss the back of her hand. As I'm walking out the door, I turn to Alfred. You watch her like a hawk. If even one hair on her precious head jacked up, you're going to run twenty miles in the morning for next calendar year,"

"Yes, Alpha," he salutes and goes into the room while I go with Dr. John.

(ERAH's P.O.V)

After Vastyleft with the doctor to get my release papers, Alfred came in to keep me company.

"So, Luna..."

"Please, can you just call me Erah? Luna is just too formal for me right now," I told him.

"Sure, if that's what you prefer, Erah," he smiles."Cool name by the way,"

"Thank you," I reply. "I like your name too,"he gives me one of his dashing smiles."I get the feeling you're the clown class type,"

"Damn, how'd you guess?"

"You're not going to deny it?"

"Why would I? Being the class clown makes me fun and approachable,"

"Yeah, I guess it does," I just started to fidget with my fingers. For about a minute there was an awkward moment of silence.

"Damn, I got to pee," Alfred said and got up and went into the bathroom. That was random, but then again I don't think he had used the bathroom since he brought me back to the clinic this morning as I waited for him to come out, I heard the most annoying voice enter the room.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake," Nicole sneered. Seriously, what is upwith this bitch?

"You're not welcome here Nicole, get the f**k out," I told her.

"I'm welcome wherever I see fit, Erah," she annunciated my name with disgust."I don't care what anyone says, you're not deserving of a mate, let alone an Alpha mate as hot as Szevastian Forde,"

"F**k off, Nicole. I don't have the energy or patience to deal with your bullshit,"

"How dare you talk to me like that!?" she shouted and shoved me off the clinic bed. I landed on my wrist, and I could I swear I think I felt it break.

"What the f**k is your problem, Nicole? What did I ever do to you?" I shouted while holding my wrist.

"You didn't need to do anything, Erah. I'm the Alpha's daughter, I don't need a reason to treat you like trash, because that exactly what you are! You don't deserve Szevastian Forde! You don't deserve a mate!"

"And you think you do?" Alfred said coming out of the bathroom. "F**k, Vasty is not going to be happy about this," he said looking down at me holding my wrist. He came over and quickly helped me to my feet, and back onto the bed. I watched as his eyes flashed black, and he looked up at Nicole. "Listen Cake face, I don't care who the f**k you think you are, but you have been warned not once, not twice, but now three times to keep your spray tan infested hand off of the Luna,"

"She is not a Luna! She's a rouge! She's trash! The lower than the bacteria in this clinic!" Nicole shouted.

"Nicole!" I heard Maximiano's voice in the doorway. Why the hell won't this family leave me alone?


"What are you doing?"

"I came to teach this bitch a lesson," Nicole replied with a smug and cocky face.

"What gives you the right to do that? Are you trying to make things difficult for your brother!?" Maximiano shouted. What did Max have to do with any of this?"

"But Dad, you always said..."

"Get out Nicole!" Maximiano roared at her. She immediately scurried out of the room. Maximiano look at me and Alfred."Beta Alfred, May I speak with Erah alone please,"

"No," Alfred said.

"Excuse me?"

"The answer is no. I am under strict orders to watch Erah. I'm already f****d because your banshee offspring may have broken her wrist in the thirty seconds I was in the bathroom."If you wis to speak with the Luna, you may do so in my presence, or wait for Alpha Vasty to return."

"Alfred it's fine," I told him while placing my hand on his forearm.

"But Erah..."

"It's fine, please just wait outside the door," I gave him an assuring nod. He hesitates for a moment, "I'll make sure that Vasty will not punish you... too much,"

"Great, so I'm getting to be punished," he mumbled and step outside the door. I looked at Maximiano who had a questionable expression on his face.

"Erah, how are you?" he asked with absolutely no sincerity.

"Cut the crap, Maximiano, what do you want?" His eyes immediately flashed black because I only referred to him by his name.

"That's Alpha Maximiano to you," He gritted.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that title belong to your sorry excused of a son?" He rotated his neck, cracking it a few times trying to control his anger. This was different. Normally, he would have smacked me by now.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," he said again with no sincerity.

"Whatever," I replied and laid down in the bed cradling my wrist.

"Erah, is it true that Max is your mate?"



"Was," I repeat."I was, MAx's mate until he rejected me, and I accepted."

"Erah, Max has come to realized what a mistake he made. He...."

"Oh, I get it," I said cutting him off and sitting back up. "Max told you, didn't he? He told you that I'm an Alpha by blood, I should have known that Maximaino have an ulterior motive for coming to see me, and scolding Nicole in front of me would get you in my good grace? Ha! Don't hold your breath Maximiano. You're only here because you want me to consider Max as my mate. Too bad because that i will never let that happen," I spat.

"You think you have a choice?" he growled.

"I do have a choice, specially now that I am at age. I don't have to answer to you anymore! I know the law, and I know my rights. I am an adult and as Beta Alfred said this morning, as a non-member of this pack, neither you nor Max has no legal hold on me."

"Erah, you better think long and hard about the decision you make,"

"Or what? Are you going to kill me like you did to my pack?!! Go ahead and try! I'd love to see you even attempt to kill me!" I spat back to his face.

"Erah, you really testing my patience!"

"What's new?! I test your patience all the time. The only reason why you haven't hit me yet is that you want me to take Max back, well, f****d that, and f**k you!" with those final words, he lost his temper and growled in my face. He lifted his hand to hit me but Alfred stopped him.

"Maximiano, I believed you overstayed your welcome,"

"Get your hands of me, Beta!" Maximiano said shoving Alfred away. He looks back at me, his eyes full of rage. "This isn't over Erah!"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," I sneer at him. He growls again and leaves. After a minute or two, Alfred finally says something to me.

"Erah, that mouth of yours can make a sailor blush," I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"It's a bad habit, I know. I just can't seem to turn on my filter when it comes to this pack, I hate all of them, Specially Maximiano and his family,"

"I get it, the're pricks, and they just want you for your bloodline,"

"I knew Max wouldn't able to keep it a secret for long. He's completely unable to do anything for himself. Always has to turn to daddy for support. His range of authority is just as short as his d**k,"

"PFFT! HAHAHA!" Alfred bursted out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"What so funny?" I heard Vasty asks as he came through the door.

"Dude, The Luna is witty, and it's awesome," Alfred replied. Vasty smiled, but as fast as it formed, it faded when he saw I was holding my wrist.

"What happened to your wrist?!" he said coming to the bed and looking at it.

"I fell off the bed," I half lied.

"Erah, you are my mate, I can tell when you are lying,"


"Stop Vasty! Don't be mad at him. You can't fault him for having a bladder the size of a peanut. When you got to go, you got to go,"

"Dammit, Erah," I jusr smiled swweetly at him, and he immediatly hung his head in defeat. I guess it appears I can get him to give in pretty quickly. That might come in handy someday. "Let me get the doctor to look at your wrist," he grumbled and left again. I looked over to Alfred, who was glaring at me.


"My bladder is not the size of a peanut. I hadn'd peed in over 12 hours you know,"

"Would you have rather ran twenty miles everyday for the next calendar year?"


"When the doctor came back, it turned out it was just a small sprain in my wrist and nothing more. He wrapped it up for me and said it would take at least another 48 hours to heal. When I was finally released, Vasty escorted me outside of the packhouse so I could get some sunlight. This was probably the first time I had actually been outside when it was still daylight, and it was bright and hot, but it felt nice. The rays of the afternoon full sun felt so goon on my skin. We walked over to small bench in the garden, and just sat there. I took in the sunlight just like the doctor ordered. Thirty minutes, the doctor said. That wasn't going to be an issue. This felt nice, very, very nice.

As we just sitting there taking in the sun, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I sense different flowers, animal life, and the refreshing scent of fresh rain. I opened my eyes and realize it was coming from Vasty. Goddess, his scent was so invigorating, it just gave me life. Max's scent wasn't as enticing, I mean, It was enticing enough for me to go find him,but that was about it. Once I realized it was his scent, that was it.

"My love, are you okay?" Vasty asked.

"Hmm, I'm fine," I smiled. "This is the first time in many years I've felt the sunrays warming my skin. I love it."

"Well, I'm sorry to ruin your zen moment, but it's been about thirty minutes, we should head back in so you can rest some more. We should also get you something to eat," I nodded, we headed back in. As we made it through the front door, a lot of people started to look at us, and not just pack members of Blue Moon, But even the other visiting Alphas, Betas, and their pack members. Some people smiled, some glared, and some just blankly stared.

We went into the staircase, but instead of going up, I went to my room.

"Erah, where you going?" Vasty asked.

"My room,"


"My room, this is it," I said and opened the door. He took one look inside, and the lookback at me with confusion.

"My love, this is a broom closet,"

"Actually, it used to be the shoe closet," I said with a smart ass tone. He didn't take too kindly to that.

"You lived in this tiny thing for ten years?" he asked, and I just nodded.

"Erah, gather your belonging and come to the fourth floor,"


"Because you will be staying with me in my guestroom until we leave in two days,"

"Vasty, I'm not allowed on the fourth floor unless it's to clean,"

"Well, those rules no longer apply to you. Now, please do as I say. The fourth floor, take a left, and it's the last room on the right," with that, he walked away and went upstairs. The feeling of having no other choice, I gathered what little clothing and personal items I had and went upstairs to the fourth floor. I took my time and eventually made it to the fourth floor. This is where all Alphas and Lunas stay, including Max. It just so happens that Max's room is down the same hallway and is the last room on the left, right across from Vasty's guest room.

As I make my way down the hall, carefull not to drop any of my personal effects, and I get to Vasty's guest room. I realize that my arms are full, and I'm about to kick the door with my foot when I hear a very unpleasant voice,

"Erah, what are you doing here?"