While we are on our way back to the packhouse, Erah fell asleep against the window. I secretly wished that the window was my shoulder. I wasn't going to push Erah, she needed time to heal and to trust, and I promise that I would give her that. I was just happy she agreed to stay with me in my guestroom. Tomorrow is our last day at Blue Moon, and the day I would end the contract with Max. Our pack would officially be rivals. Although that meant we could go to war at any time, it also gave me an opening to kill him if he or his pack ever laid a hand on Erah ever again.

The Moon Goddess was working in my favor, and I knew it. She gave Erah a second chance and it was with me. I refused to blow it. I would do anything and everything for Erah. All she had to do was ask. I loved her the moment I saw her, and it wasn't just because of the mate bond. Erah doesn't know it, but seeing her last night was not the first time I met her,


"Dad, why are we going to the Silver Moon Pack?" I asked from the backseat of the car. I had just turned 18, and my Dad wanted me to work out a business relationship with Alpha Damianus Gail Boudreaux.

"Because son, you will be taking over in a few months, and I need you to build a solid relationship with Damian. Plus, he's always been like an uncle to you growing up,"

"Well, yeah, I get that, but..."

"No buts Vasty, this will be good for both of our packs,"

"Ugh, fine," I waved a white flag in defeat. A few minutes later, we arrived at Silver Moon pack. I never understood why it was called that until I actually saw the lake behind the packhouse. The mountains surrounding this pack territory were grey, and the reflection of them across the lake make them look silver as they danced with the sunlight. When we got out of the car, I expected formal greetings, but instead, my father hugged Alpha Damianus in a brotherly hug.


"Arnold!" They smiled at each other.

"Damian, you remember my son, and the soon-to-be Alpha of the South, VAsty?

"How could I forget? Welcome back to the Silver Moon pack, Vasty,"

"Thanks, Uncle Damian, it's good to see you again too. How are Aunt Helen and Erah doing?"

"They're good, they're both excited to see you," he said with a big smile. "Come on inside, lunch is just about ready," We all walked in and as soon as we did, I heard a little girl giggling and screaming her head off. Normally, such a sound would bother the crap out of me, but this one was cute and almost lovely.

"Ah, there is my sweet little Erah," my Dad as she came running over to us.

"Wow, who are you? You look like a prince charming," I couldn't help but smile. The kid's so innocent.

"Erah, this is my son, you probably don't remember him, but his name is Szevastian,"

"Can I keep him?" She asked. My dad laugh and I just smiled at her. I hated kids but Erah was cute and I felt drawn to her.

"Erah, honey, leave Uncle Arnold and Vasty alone and come help mommy and nana with the table,"

"Yes mommy," she squealed and jump out of the dad's arms.

"Why isn't she annoying like Caren?" I asked my dad.

"Because Caren is your baby sister and is already a teenager," my dad said.

"How old is Erah?"

"She just turned eight,"

"Dad, something doesn't feel right when I look at her,"

"What do you mean son?"

"Dad, I'm attracted to her. I know that sounds really bad given that I'm already eighteen and she's just eight years old, but I can't help it, what's wrong with me?"

"Son, it's different because we are werewolves, and especially since you are an Alpha,"

"Care to elaborate?"

"Vasty, I was hoping this would happen, and I'm glad that it did. That's another reason why I brought you here," I just looked at my dad. He wanted me to become a pedophile?

"Son, Damian and I both believe that you and Erah are mates,"

"What!? I whisper in a shout.

"When Erah was born, and you are only around eight years old, we came to visit them while they were in the hospital. You were immediately drawn to Erah as an infant. You played with her nonstop, and you were upset when we had to leave after a few days. Your mother believed that you felt the mate bond,"

"Is that possible?"

"For an Alpha, it is,"

"So, you're saying I find her cute and adorable because she's eventually my mate?"

"That's exactly what I am saying,"

"Great, I have to wait 10 years for her to love me back,"

"In the way you want her to, yes, but if you didn't notice, Sarah is attracted to you as well. Even though she is just a child, Erah is also Alpha blood because of Damian and Helen,"

"Aunt Helen is an Alpha?"

"She is, which makes Erah twice as powerful," I looked back towards the kitchen where my tiny future mate was probably playing and helping set up the table. "Erah is too young to know it just yet, but her calling you prince charming is because her Alpha aura is pick up on yours, and her little dormant wolf is already feeling the bond as well,"

"Dad, this is too much. You're telling me being in love with an 8-year-old is okay,"

"In our kind, it is, as long as you respect the fact that she is an 8-year-old," he laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. I just shook my head.


"Szevastian!!" my father came running into my office.

"What is it, Dad?"

"Quick, turn on the news!" I grabbed the remote on the corner of my desk and turned on the TV in my office.

"Reports are still coming in as word is spreading like wildfire. The fall of the Silver Moon Pack of the North..."

I stood up from my desk and walked closer to the TV

"Rumours are saying that the Blue moon pack is responsible for the slaughter, after challenging Alpha Damianus Gail Boudreaux, and winning, Alpha MAximiano Smitherson executed the entire pack. There are no survivors...."

"Erah, I whispered. I fell to my knees. My future mate and her family were gone.

-----------------End of Flashback---------------------

I wanted so badly to challenge Alpha Maximiano back then, but because of the contract my father had entered into with Alpha Maximiano at the time, I couldn't. All this time, ten years, I thought Erah was dead. I always wondered why the moon goddess never gave me a mate all this time. It was because my first mate was still alive, just being held captive. I couldn't wait to tell my family; they were going to be so thrilled.

"Hey, we're back," Alfred said as he pulled up to the Blue moon packhouse. "Are you going to wake her?"

"No, she's probably in a food coma and she"s still healing from the damage done to her body the last twenty-four hours,"

"Damn, has it really been only been a day f*******g day?" he asked, and I nodded my head. This had to have been the longest twenty-four hours of my life. I got out of the car and went around to the other side. I opened the door and picked up Erah in my arms. She was out cold. I stop midtrack when she whimpered a little and snuggled her face into my chest and grasped my shirt. I smiled and kept walking. When we walk into the packhouse, it smelled like something had died.

"What the f**k is that smell?" Alfred asked. Just then, we heard a loud bang come from the kitchen. It sounded like something had exploded. Erah stirred a bit in my arms, but she stayed asleep.

"Alfred, take her to my room and stay with her," I passed her over to him and he went upstairs. I ran to the kitchen to see a fire on the stove and inside the microwave. Everyone was backed away not knowing what to do. I grab the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. Once that was said and done, I look back at Nefali, Nicole, and a few Omegas."What the f**k?" was all I could say. I opened the microwave and found remnants of aluminum foil. Erah was right, this house was in shambles. I couldn't even say anything, I just put the fire extinguisher down and walked away. As I was leaving the kitchen, Maximiano was running towards it,

"What was the loud bang?" Maximiano asked.

"Your wife and daughter put aluminum foil in the microwave," I told him. His face was filled with anger and embarrassment.

"Where is Erah?" he asked.

"Asleep in our room," I enunciated the word 'OUR'.

"Why isn't she making a dinner for the pack!?"

"Perhaps you weren't here earlier when I announced her as my Luna, and that she is no longer required to do anything for you'" I tell him as my eyes turn black. "After tomorrow's meeting, Erah is coming with me," I said and got into his face. "Once we return home, I will officially make her my Luna and I will find a way to make you pay for your crimes Maximiano. you will not get away with treating her the way you did all these years, mark my words," I pushed past him as he growls behind me.

I made my way up the stairs and down the hall to my room. I found Alfred standing watch at the door. He was a great Beta. Poor guy hadn't gotten laid once since we've been here. It's probably the longest he's gone without a chick jumping his bones.

"I'm surprised your testosterone build-up hasn't collapsed yet," I say as I walk up to him.

"I'm dying here, man, I need to get laid or at least go jerk off somewhere," I just shook my head. " Don't be so judgemental, not all of us are golden boys like you,"

"Golden boy? You know I've had my fair share of women,"

"Yeah, only when you actually dated someone, and even then, that never lasted long,"

"I dated because I was lonely, and you know that. But I also had that occasional one-night-stand. I'm sure you get to know how frustrating it can be to not have a mate at 26,"

"Not yet, because I'm only 24, but still you're right, it does suck,"

"Stop sleeping around Alfred, you're going to end up getting the wrong she-wolf pregnant or ends up with STD if you sleep with the wrong human,"

"I always wrap it, man, I'm not stupid,"

"You and I both know that condoms aren't 100%, look at your brother,"

My brother was an idiot who got a girl pregnant because she lied about being on a pill, and now he was stuck with her,"

"What's going to happen when Ray finds his mate?"

"My dad said that he will have to reject her, and be stuck with Leah,"

"How is he holding up?"

"He's miserable man, he doesn't love her, and he wishes he can turn back the clock," he just grab my neck. "I can't even imagine, being 19 and being tied to a woman that's not your mate,"

"Well, if your ass doesn't start being more careful, you're going to know what it's like really soon,"

"Yeah, Yeah," he said and walked off. I shook my head and went into my room. ERah was still fast asleep and hugging one of the pillows. I could only imagine how comfortable she must feel being on a real bed after ten years on a damn cot. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I put on some sweats and went to sleep next to Erah. I snuggled close to her and spooned her from behind. I kissed her cheeks lightly and went to sleep.