All is well

'Do not disappoint me, Nayowmi.'

Nayowmi shivered. She was sitting at the edge of the bed, her mind circling about what she was supposed to do.

Zera and her friend's faces flashed before her mind. They were determined to help her, and they saved her despite the difficulty they had been in. 

The previous stage had allowed them to choose. They could have decided to move along without her. She was a nobody to them.

And yet, they had pushed themselves to their limits to make sure they got Nayowmi back into their team.

But they had nothing to worry about as she did. Nayowmi had a sister to care for back home. She needed to win so her sister could get better.

Finding her resolve, Nayowmi cleared her throat. 

"Sorry," she started. It caught Astherielle's attention. She smiled at Nayowmi while waiting for her friends to come back.