
"What do you think actually happens when we die?" Astherielle inquired. She quietly said it that Zera was sure she would have missed it if she wasn't close to her.

They had to venture the underground before the sun could rise. It was their highest chance of not getting caught.

At least, according to Sharmaine. 

Zera thought it was wise to keep Sharmaine as their backup. They couldn't fully trust Xavier's team. Hence, to play it safe, she suggested that Sharmaine stays where she was.

Provided, Zera sent her money to buy her food. Jaspreth was worried Sharmaine didn't have enough with her to go by. And he wasn't wrong.

Zera didn't count that against her. She was trying to run away from more trauma. At least, Jaspreth shared that much. 

And she was going to build a better life for herself. Any form of help was surely a blessing to Sharmaine.