The Story of Era Part 1

The sun was rising above the mountains toward the north and Bryon was watching it reach the sky above and there it was. The Black Raven and the goal he must go to and beside him was

Willow and the undead were going back to the shadows and then they had jumped down Byron look at the Black Raven again but this time he seem a lot calmer.

"Willow had you noisy that this place is still too calm up here and down below it full with noise," Bryon ask

"Yeah, but I think it's something that we discovered that when we face off against that demon."

"But that was just a few months ago and we still can't find anything out there about the book and the king tower."

Back in the current present.

Bryon and they had made a way to the cave deeper in and they had seen that there was a huge amount of intent further in and they have seen that there were writings on the wall and they had seemed like holographic and it had drawing of a book and they couldn't read it but Bryon could.

"It says that there was knowledge throughout the galaxy and there was a secret that hold it together. Before the dawn of Yggdrasil and the Titans that help the universe be shaped as it is there a tower that was built by the great mad titan himself Leviton."

"Who is that Bryon?" Willow ask

"Well, she is answering a good question," Kelvin said

"Well, I think it might be a titan-like dragon god that was a creator of the kings tower."

"The Kings Tower?" Mayvel said

"Yes, what it saying is that the tower is in another world from this one and it have thousand of planets above it and it also said that you can make a wish when you reach the top of the tower."

"A wish? Like what?"

"Well, any wish will be granted and it says that you can even become a god or be immortal."

"Immortal?" Like was in shock.

"Yeah, it sounds crazy but it seems like it is real, and then it a drawing of Leviton."

There was a large black dragon with two horns that have a length of the top of the tower. It also has scales that have armor over them and it is said to be stronger than anything in the universe and a large tail that can crush the planet with one blow.

They look over and there was a book that had symbols over it and it was only the drawing that was on the cave wall so they didn't know what to say about a book that was on the cave wall. Bryon was curious about what Captain Will said to him.

"There is a secret that is held in the underground cave and I do need to know what I dealing with before I face that bastard and then plus I need to find Peter but it nothing about him. It is only about this book and the king tower. What is the purpose of this tower and the purpose of them wanted to know about them and what knowledge do they hold to make them do these cruel things to people and if they're really somebody that can defeat the emperors."

"Byron, what you thinking of?" Like ask

"I thinking that we need to take this in and gave the knowledge that we need to defeat our enemies and to restore balance."

"But Bryon, bringing the balance back is a big deal and we only five people and we not stronger than the gods and demons," Mayvel said

"Mayvel, you a half-elf right. So what do you know about the other worlds." Bryon ask

"Well, I wasn't an outcast because of the high elves elders that watch out for me, and they never really hate humans but they didn't like them either and then they were very quiet about information that may threaten the other cosmos worlds."

"Why that? You know."

"Well, what they say is that there were goddesses that help forge weapons with souls and they have elemental powers that are used to take a soul to heaven or the underworld."

"You mean my saber."

"Yes, your saber is one of those weapons but there are only people that have unique powers that aren't average but there was an elf that was a guardian and a Mythical God."

"A Mythical God?" Everybody said

"Well, I heard that they are more powerful than most of the other generations of gods that live in Venir," Willow said


"Well, yes that the realm of the gods and where most of them stay anyway, and then there is also demi-god that lives among the mortals."

"What? A realm fills with gods."

"Yeah, it's crazy and that the few of the worlds that have gods in them and then they're a world that fills with only water, and then there isn't twelve."

"There aren't twelve worlds?" Mayvel said

"Yeah but I think those twelve worlds are the major worlds that fill with the huge population of beings."

"Dang that crazy." Like said

"Yeah but we better wrap it up and get ready for a fight ahead because it looks like they looking for the same things," Kelvin said

They had looked toward the way that the dark aura was coming from and the sense of death that have a weird taste in all their mouths and they kept walking toward the path and they notice more drawings and then there was two pathway and there was one way that has a sense of death and then the sense of darkness and they couldn't figure out that there were clones of two demons but Bryon didn't know what to think but they had to make a decision on how to handle this situation. Bryon told Willow and Mayvel to come with him and Kelvin and Like go to the sense of darkness on the left and Bryon, Willow and Mayvel had gone right.

Bryon and they had split from Kelvin and Like and they had gone deeper into it and it feels Bryon's throat until he had trouble breathing from the darkness of the atmosphere of the demon and what is waiting for them when they face this demon.

"Aye, what happen to you guys back there when it was dark?" Kelvin ask Like

"I remember nothing. It was like a flash for me and the next thing I know was almost to the top and Byron was just up and look almost tired but I felt a pressure of what actually happens to the few minutes I didn't really understand."

"So what are you talking about?"

"It like I said."

"But it makes no sense of what you saying and you saying that there is a way to freeze time or slow down it but how is that possible to accelerate time and slow it down I think that there is a way but I doubt I see it."

"So you were in the wars."

"I won't call it a war like the raging war or you can call it a sin war."

"A sin war?"

"Yes, you never heard the story before."

"Yeah of the great war between the angels and the devils."

"Do you know the purpose of that war?"

"Yeah, I think I do. Isn't about good and evil?"

"No young buck."

"Then what?"

"It means that the demons wanted to reshape the world in their way."


"Because the world is corrupt and fill with such evil."


"There had been a time that some demon had been exiled and sent to the human realm but they

defeat the evil ones but they weren't good either but they didn't tend to show harm to humans either."

"How do you know that Kelvin?"

"Well, that is something that I found out about my master."

"You have a master."

"Yeah, he was a great swordsman that practiced breathing styles and sword arts."

"Breathing styles and sword arts?"

"Yes, but it best if you wait and see it yourself because he is a demon slayer."

"Huh? A demon slayer." Like, must have thought that they must be a legend or a myth.

They kept walking and they had seen that there was a huge structure that was around their area and then there were three elevators that had been going up toward the top or the bottom and then Kelvin had pointed toward the far-right elevator and then he had seen that there were a few orcs over by it and they was going down.

Byron and the others had made their way toward the intent and they had seen that there were three pathways that led to the upper and lower platform in front of them.

"So which way should we go?" Willow said

"Well, because of the air in here I can't really sense the intent anymore and that is really bad don't you think."

"Yeah it is bad and we can only use nothing more but our magical aura."

"Magical aura?"

"Yes, Byron. There are a few ways to discover a way of evil pressure, like Ki and magical aura and breakers."


"Yes, but the elders' high elves said it only works on titan kins."