
"I have everything in life that every great man before me had wished for but was never able to attain." Surrounded by the gold and jewelry he had collected over the millennia, Wang Xue (Blood), popularly known by the name of Bloodbath Monarch, lay down on the cold floor.

The stars were beautiful glimmered over the night skies; as he gazed upon the beauty of these celestial bodies through the collapsing ceiling of the Great Phoenix Empire's Treasury, he had an abrupt epiphany.

"This scene would have been perfect if I had something to drink with me… oh and some street foods that I used to buy from old Gong." A hallow laughed escape from his quivering lips. "Even better if your old faces were not blocking the view."


A loud and crisp slap flew across his face as a response.

He gave out a groan and started coughing out blood from the force of that slap that he had received. His life was on the very verge of wilting away, but the five people with him in the treasury had no intention of letting him die so easily.

They gave him a pill to be swallowed, which sealed all 12 Main Spiritual Channels and reversed the eight minor channels' flow. A sharp pain assailed Wang Xue's entire body.

"You must be very familiar with what kind of pill I just made you swallow, aren't you, Wang Xue?" One of the old men said in a solemn voice. Forcing Wang Xue to look at him on the face, that old man spat, "Know your sin, and take it with you to the underworld."

A laughed suddenly came from Wang Xue. He gave that wrinkly old man a look of ridicule then spat back at him, saying, "I don't know what sin you're talking about, old man, you must be going senile. But I do remember what that pill is. I am sure that I used that pill to kill a lowlife scumbag from some lowly province…."


A hand met with his face once again, causing him to cough off more blood.

"Stop playing dumb Wang Xue; you killed my son and tortured him for 3 days splitting him from anus to mouth." Pained expression started appearing on the old man's face when he thought about how his beloved child was gruesomely tortured and killed, but it wasn't just him but the others as well.

They were all people who had someone or something taken away from them by Wang Xue, the Bloodbath Monarch. Some had their loved ones killed, one had his entire Clan slaughtered, and another had his Sect burned down on the ground.

They lost it to him, and now they planned to take it all back by making him suffer, they had lived for a long time, yet this event was the time that made them most delighted. They had defeated him at long last, and the only thing left to do was to make him suffer for eternity by burning his soul and torturing his existence.

Their families and treasures may never return, but Wang Xue's screams would serenade their pained hearts.

But when their happiness peaked, the sound of something cracking and breaking down echoed from over their heads. All five of the elderly men raised their heads, and the moment they did, their pupils all shrunk and became dilated.

"W-what is that?" One of them said with his lips continuously quivering from fear. Confusion was apparent in his eyes.

Not only him but all of them were the same. The Phoenix Empire was a Celestial Empire, an empire that was said to rise from the ashes of destruction and become even stronger than it had been before.

However, this time it was not facing a normal calamity, it was not a universal phenomenon, and it wasn't a war being waged on them. It was something else entirely. Something capable of wiping out even the illustrious Celestial Empire.

As the sky crumbled due to unknown forces, a peal of helpless laugh turned into a guffaw from Wang Xue's almost dead body.

The five old men notice this, and immediately they grabbed him by the neck and started questioning him, "What is this, Wang Xue? Are you planning on destroying the wheel of reincarnation in this dimension? Stop this foolishness; you will kill and rob the innocent life of this Realm the right to have another life."

Hearing them panic like so, Wang Xue stifled his laughter and became quiet for a moment. But even before the others could feel relieved, Wang Xue's laughter shortly returned.

The 5 old men felt their heart was being squished by some hand, then he finally said something "When did you even start thinking of other people? Hahaha, you all had killed… much innocent life even… before this, so why are you feeling sympathy now?

"Coughed*… ugh," Wang Xue groaned from pain but still forced himself to speak "All of you had killed far too many, and even now you try to… find ways to live by begging for it… but it seems like you… you have changed hehe, so don't worry, no innocent lives will be lost today."

The 5 old men smiled and almost wanted to laugh out loud when they heard him say those words thinking he would stop this insanity, but the sound of the sky completely shattering and falling down reverberated all over the dimension.

As this happened, Wang Xue, who was hailed as the cruelest and bloody person in all the Realms, said his final words in silent while being held by the neck, "I already took care of the citizens… hehe ."

That day, the sky fell from and shattered the dimension where the Celestial Phoenix Empire lay. A cataclysm caused its destruction, one of the most powerful Celestial Empire was gone just like that.

Everybody who had lost their lives in that world would not be able to find salvation and go through reincarnation. All of the souls present during the cataclysm were all shattered; whether it be those old monsters or the weak peasants' everyone was the same.

All turned to nothing, that was for one tiny speck of light floating in the middle of the abyss.


When Wang Xue regained his consciousness, he felt his body was brain hurting and felt like it was being pressed down by a huge mountain. His entire body was aching, from his skin down to his bone marrow.

"Is this the flames of the underworld that will torment me for eternity?"

Wang Xue's mind had already registered his death, but the flimsy breathing that he had was the only thing saying otherwise. He didn't know how long, but after a while, Wang Xue finally opened his eyes with a struggle. Darkness. He was confined.

'Is this a coffin? Where am I?' Wang Xue was depressed.

But then, as a jolt of electricity descended upon his body, Wang Xue's mind was suddenly flooded by foreign memories that he had never seen before.

Only after a while did he finally finish going through all of his memories. He was apparently in the body of some youth called Wang Jia (loved by everyone) who lived in the [Willow State] located at the edge of the Jade Province. He was always accompanied by a beautiful young girl named Li Xiu, who was his bride-to-be.

The two of them led a peaceful life. Wang Jia took care of providing food on the table by taking various jobs while Li Xiu took care of the house. All was going well for them. Wang Jia was young, only at the age of fifteen, and Li Xiu was fourteen; even with their frugal life, they both lived happily.

That was until Li Xiu encountered an old woman she helped by chance by giving her directions. The old woman was thankful for her, so she tried thanking her by offering her the opportunity to awaken Li Xiu's Martial Spirit.

Li Xiu didn't want to do it at first because she already knew that she didn't have any kind of Martial Spirit connected to her. But because of the old woman's insistence Li Xiu eventually gave in and humored the old woman's offer.

But when Li Xiu went ahead to check if she did have a Martial Spirit, a Worldly Phenomenon occurred. Phoenixes descended from the heavens and circled around the land before finally entering Li Xiu's body through her Spirit Lake located on the forehead.

The old woman was delighted by this, and after she saw the worldly phenomenon, the old woman revealed herself as someone from the "Azure Dragon Academy."

She said that she searched for Li Xiu after receiving divination from the heavens that a genius would be born in the Willow State.

Wang Jia was delighted when he heard of this. The Azure Dragon Academy had an illustrious reputation in the Azure Province as one most prestigious schools in the azure province. But Li Xiu didn't want to go train in the martial path.

She didn't want to abandon her peaceful life in the Willow State and go to a different place. She only wanted to live peacefully and become a wife and a mother. Wang Jia felt warm in his heart when he heard those words from her; he didn't want to force in doing something, so both declined the old woman's offer.

The old woman was rather understanding of their decision and left the two of them on their own accord. The both of them continued their peaceful life as if nothing happened, that was until tragedy struck, Wang Jia became involved in an incident that cost him his life.

These were Wang Jia's memory. After sorting all of it, Wang Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry from the little fairytale he had witnessed, "These two kids were too naïve; it seems like he was killed by that old hag to get his woman. If I am correct, that old woman should've appeared after Wang Jia died."

Wang Xue had seen many things through his past life, and most of what he saw would be people who wield great power will use any means to achieve their own goals no matter how dirty it may be.

"But that is not my problem anymore. I don't have any emotions attached to that woman, nor do I want anything to do with her. My priority is to first get out of here; only then will I start thinking about what my goal should be in the future. Better seize the strength to protect my life before anything else."

Wang Xue tried sensing the world's spiritual energy and focused it in his forehead's acupoint and seeking out the Spirit Lake, this body had never trained in the martial path, nor did Wang Jia ever tried to connect a path to the Spirit World and form a connection with the Martial Spirit that lay dormant in him.

The Universal Law of Cultivation was to bride the path of the Mortal World and the Spirit Realm to call upon a Martial Spirit. Having no interest in cultivation, Wang Jia did not do anything like that.

Wang Xue got lucky.

A Martial Spirit was something that's connected through the soul, which meant Wang Xue's previous Martial Spirit may still hold that connection with him.

Wang Xue began an internal introspection and entered his sea of consciousness through acupoint in his glabella.

As he delved deeper into his Jiang and Mai, Wang Xue found what he was looking for but notices something was off in his Spirit Lake. Ordinary people only have one Spirit Lake located in their sea of consciousness.

The Spirit Lake would later house Martial Spirit, and cultivation would begin.

But when Wang Xue saw his Spirit Lake, it was not just one but three, and from the looks of it, another lake was still possible to acquire.

Seeing this, Wang Xue became ecstatic from excitement. 'If I have this many Spirit Lake, does that mean I can have more than one Martial Spirit? I have seen people with dual Martial Spirit but no one with three.'

Even with his experience Wang Xue had never seen something like this before, then as he was celebrating, he finally noticed that a Martial Spirit was already soaked in the bottom of one of the lakes.

Seeing this, his curiosity was piqued, so he went over to check it out. As he gazed down with the Lake directly below, Wang Xue saw a Dragon coiled up on a golden nine-layer pagoda.

The Dragon was azure in color, and it had long whiskers that continuously swayed within the water. The pagoda was made of pure gold and didn't have that much design, but if one looks close enough, the golden pagoda was actually surrounded by an ancient text that he could read.

Wang Xue wanted to approach closer and even dive down the lake but could not move closer 50 meters from the Spirit Lake's surface.

Wang Xue was irritated by this fact, but he still failed to move any closer even after trying for an hour.

"This is really bothersome. I want to check that text and even check out that Dragon, but it seems like it is currently impossible."

Without any other choice, Wang Xue left it alone. He then started opening the pathway of his mind to the Spirit Realm. Then, as he opened the gate of Spirits, a strong electrical current went and entered his body; when this happened, Wang Xue felt excitement surging through his body.

"My partner is waiting for me." With his eyes full of anticipation, he entered the Spirit Realm to find his partner and friend.