The System Was Suddenly Magnanimous

"What did you do system?" Dehlia asked seriously. She didn't trust this system one bit. Sometimes, she even wondered if it was on her side.

[I cleared the problem]

'Exactly, how?' she needed to know.

[I convinced him that you lost your memory. Although from his profile, Tobias is an untrusting character so you would have to make sure not to engage in actions that would rouse his suspicions about your identity till you're out of here]

'Till I'm out of here?' Dahlia was surprised by that realization.

[Of course, dear host! Your goal is to have a happily ever after with King Romulus and you can't achieve that while hidden in the evil forest with the vampire, Tobias]

"What?! Evil forest?!" Dahlia didn't know when she blurted out those words from shock. 

She had intentionally been communicating with the system mentally in case someone was spying on her. 

Just like the system said, Tobias was untrusting and she didn't want to be put under more scrutiny. If he compelled her earlier to tell the truth, who knows what he would do next?

However, Dahlia didn't know how to feel about this task of having a happily ever after with King Romulus. 

When the system says "happily ever after" does it mean she would have to marry this strange king she hasn't even had a date with? Give him a family and die naturally in the game before she would be able to go back to her world? The thought of it greatly upset her.

Back on earth, her relationship lasted a month. Why does this system think she would be able to make it work with this king Romulus? If a human could dump her a month later because he was bored, she bet it wouldn't even take an NPC a day to do the same.

She didn't want to marry! Dahlia wanted her once quiet and predictable life back. She was not exactly a big fan of changes that were beyond her control. Why was the universe doing this to her? Can't a girl get alone time here?

'So you're trying to tell me that I would have to find a way to escape Tobias the same way I left the Palace?' 

She was honestly tired of running. Can't she catch a breath for a minute? This should have been named the "Running game" instead of "Multiverse adventure". All she did was run!

[Yes, host, you would have to find a way to leave the forest and return to the capital where your chances of meeting King Romulus is higher]

Did the system forget the part where it was in this very forest that she was nearly eaten by a carnivorous tree?

'Then you should have let me handle Tobias myself!' Dahlia couldn't help but get angry, 'How am I going to escape a vampire who has his eyes on me morning and night?!'

Back at the palace, Dahlia was able to escape because she had the element of surprise. Even at that, it hadn't been easy to flee at all and she nearly died in the process.

[Dear host, only your sense of hearing was blocked during the activation of the backseat feature. However, that can be remedied when you upgrade the skill]

Of course, in the end, it all comes down to money! Money! whoever designed this game should have been a businessman!

[ Also host, you've forgotten that I'm named the busybody. The purpose of my creation is to ensure you never experience one boring moment in this game]

Even if it meant putting my life in danger, Dahlia couldn't help but sigh. Anyway, she was the one who doomed her life the moment she downloaded this game.

[Don't worry dear host, the system would help you move to the capital this time]


Dahlia had to confirm she had indeed heard right. This money-lover system was suddenly being magnanimous to her? Something was not right here.

'What's the catch?' Dahlia didn't believe the system's offer to help without something in return. She had a feeling a bigger disaster would happen if that was the case. It was that shocking!

[You've proved to be a worthy candidate by escaping the palace and fighting off Tobias' compulsion, now I would do my best to help you]

That was new, Dahlia blinked twice. At that moment, she looked like someone who was confessed to by a stranger. She would need time to get used to this unexpected act of kindness. 


[Congratulations host, you have distracted and fought off Tobias' compulsion! You have earned 5000 credit points!] 

[Current account: 5000 credit points] 

[Loan debt: 12000]

[5000 credit points debited to pay off Loan debt] 

[Loan balance:7000 credit point] 

Seeing those notifications, Dahlia was gladdened. Soon enough she would have enough credit points in her account to take care of her needs. But she noticed one thing. 

'Why didn't I level up, system?'

[Because you leveled up much earlier to be able to unlock the backseat feature, there are no more rewards. You can't eat your cake and have it again] 

Dahlia rolled her eyes, the system didn't have to rub it in her face. 

Fine. All she needed to do was to accomplish more tasks and her life would be over. 

'Also system, you said something about viewing a character's profile?' Dahlia finally remembered. If she was able to see the characters of anybody she wanted, it would be easier to deal with the creatures in this game. 

[That is right, however, you would have to be at level five to be able to use the skill] 

Well, that was not a problem for Dahlia who believed that once she was done with her loan, she would level up quite quickly. There was no doubt her system was already thinking of a difficult spot to put her tomorrow. 

Since it was late and she wasn't in the mood for touring the house else a vampire uses her for dinner, Dahlia decided to have a rest. 

She couldn't help but notice that the strange stones placed on strategic points on the wall lit up brighter than it was during the day. She could almost say it was a bulb except there was no source of electricity. 

"How strange," She mused. 

Just like that, Dahlia went to sleep while admiring the strange stone without noticing the pair of eyes watching her from the shadows.