Facing Romulus

[Random Quest Available]

[Dear host, reject your childhood sweetheart and gain the experience of a heartbreaker]

Dahlia's fear came true; the system was at it again

[Reward:2000 credit points]

[Time limit: Ten minutes] 

This was against her conscience, Dahlia was determined not to take on this quest. How could she break a person's heart just so she could gain experience? She knew she was a novice in relationship matters, but Desmond's poor heart was not a playing ground. 

But then, the reward... Dahlia couldn't give up on that. All she needed was two thousand credit points to advance to the next level and this quest was a stepping stone to that. 

Dahlia could reject and wait for the next mission tomorrow but she has this nagging feeling to upgrade as soon as possible. With her backseat upgrade still at the lowest level, she was not confident of repelling a stronger vampire's compulsion. She needed protection as soon as possible.