Making Progress

She wasn't heartbroken at all, Dahlia told herself as she was shown to her sleeping quarters early the next morning. Thankfully, the news of the both of them sleeping together was tight and no one knows of it - and Dahlia couldn't tell why she was disappointed by the news.

Dahlia thought she had been making progress. Yep, she thought that with you know, the both of them, fucking each other like savages the past two, three days? That it would bring them a little closer, the intimate type of 'closer', but then, Romulus was missing when she woke up and a servant was the one to lead her to this new room that she would be sharing with one of her rivals.

Fine, she got the point, neither could Dahlia blame him either. Romulus was not just her fuck buddy, he was the king, and the king was for everybody. Honestly, Dahlia knew winning Romulus over was not going to be easy, but a girl got to wish though.