It's not Christmas without family

Christmas rolled in on a sunny Wednesday but that didn't stop the church down the street from blasting carol music from the minute I opened my eyes to my mom shouting at me to have my bath so we could visit my uncle, aunt, and my dad's step-mother who lived with them for Christmas breakfast. 

I didn't see the reason why we couldn't stay home and eat breakfast as a family. 

"Family?" I scoffed at the thought.

We were barely a family, hanging on by a very loose thread.

I just didn't like my dad's side of the family very much.

"On the first day of Christmas, my true love said to me, five pa-pa-ra-pa, one golden egg, two Maseratis, and a partridge in a pear tree!" I sang the wrong lyrics confidently at the top of my voice with my eyes closed in concentration and without a care in the world as I held my hand shower, using it as a microphone.