Bad things happen to good people

The school was in an uproar.

My phone pinged with multiple Facebook notifications and WhatsApp messages.

My ringtone blasted through my room relentlessly with calls from my parents and friends back in Lagos.

Overwhelmed and annoyed, I switched to airplane mode and silence reigned supreme.

My roommates had traveled to their various houses in Umuahia in hopes to collect foodstuffs to refresh their current stock; a week before the big announcement that shook the entire university, leaving only me in the room.

The hostel felt as empty as I felt inside when I read the news that was sent to my department's WhatsApp group chat by the course representative. 

The university had joined the Academic Staff Union of Universities also known as ASUU, for their indefinite strike action over the failure of the federal government to pay their salaries for the past six months.