A flawed justice system


They had won. 

Patrick, with the help of his mother, had managed to get out of the consequences of their mistakes. 

The only person who was being held in police custody was the guy who had told me of his involvement in assaulting me. 

However, it was not him I craved to see behind the thick iron bars that make up the cell.

Patrick was the main perpetrator, therefore it was only fair that he would be punished mercilessly for his crimes. 

Unfortunately, his mom had very different plans and since she was rich, she also had all the resources at hand that she needed to threaten me and save her son from his fate. 

Hatred, unlike anything I had felt before in my life, rose steadily as my lawyer tried convincing us more to change our minds and take up the case.

My father refused to collect the money even though we could have used the money to settle many expenses.