Xue You's Might (1)

Su Baifeng was filled with killing intent toward Xue Fanxin. Her hatred blinded her rationality. At this moment, she only wanted to kill her. Even if she had to pay a price, she would not hesitate.

It was rare that Ye Jiushang was not around. If she missed this chance, it would be almost impossible to kill Xue Fanxin in the future. This girl's opportunities were too good. Adding Ye Jiushang's help, the more time she was given, the more powerful she would become. Therefore, she had to be eliminated quickly while she was still weak.

More than a month ago, Xue Fanxin was still the Young Miss of a small Duke's Estate outside the Tongxuan Realm. Her cultivation was at the early stage of the Spirit Awakening Realm, but now, she was already in the Spirit Refining Realm. She was even doing well in the Tongxuan Realm…

She would not allow such an enemy to live for too long.