
Xue Fanxin did not resist. She wanted to see what the Heavenly Saints Emperor wanted to do.

The person who had accused her of privately obtaining the royal mine was undoubtedly Su Baifeng. She really knew how to cause trouble. She had just made a ruckus, and now she was at it again.

Su Baifeng was in the Imperial Palace's courtyard, drinking tea and playing chess with the Heavenly Saints Emperor. There was also Consort Su waiting on her by the side. The atmosphere was quite good. There was no hostility like a few days ago. The few of them got along well, and they all had faint smiles on their faces.

Consort Su had originally been grounded for two months. She came out before the time was up. Not only that, but she also served the Heavenly Saints Emperor. This was a huge blessing to the concubines in the harem. Looking at the smile on her face, one could tell how happy she was.