Annoyed Her

Ye Jiushang had sent Ruying and Suixing, two experts of the Nine Cloud Palace, to investigate the Asura Hall. It could be seen how important this matter was to him.

Since the Asura Hall would send people to a small Duke's Estate in the Nanling Empire to look for trouble with Xin'er, they might know that she had a treasure. Although they wouldn't do so in the future, some preparations had to be done early to avoid getting caught off guard when something happened.

Xin'er was extremely important to him. He would never allow anyone to hurt her. Before she became stronger, he would deal with those overly powerful enemies for her.

Xue Fanxin did not know how much Ye Jiushang had done for her in private. When she woke up, she stretched her body in the courtyard and practiced her sword techniques and spirit arts. She used the Xue You Sword Art and the Heavenly Spirit Butterfly Dance with even more proficiency.