Not Qualified

Upon learning that Xue Batian had been captured, Xue Fanxin rushed over. She heard Zhu Hai's words on the door and was even more enraged. She said coldly, "Who said that only the person who casts the Gu can cure it?"

Zhu Hai saw that it was a little girl who walked in. Although he did not know her identity, he did not think that a little girl could have much ability, so he did not take her seriously. "You're just a little girl. Why aren't you staying at home? What are you doing out here? Quickly go home, lest you get yourself into trouble."

"Idiot," Little Lei mocked Zhu Hai. Then, he ran up to Xue Fanxin and pulled her hand. "You're finally here. Grandpa Xue has been poisoned by that puppet Gu and doesn't recognize me at all. He tried to kill me a few times and even hurt me just now. Why are you alone? Didn't Master come?"

"I can handle such a small matter alone. This small fry is not qualified for your master to get involved."