Golden Phoenix

When Xue Fanxin received the spider lily's call for help, she did not immediately respond. Instead, she looked at it inexplicably.

Even she did not know what was going on, so how could she help it? Furthermore, she herself needed help. She was still blurry and confused. In an unfamiliar place, she was a little panicked. She was wary of people and things that she did not completely trust; even this flower was no exception.

The spider lily was quickly driven out of this mysterious place by the powerful repulsive force.

Xue Fanxin was not moved at all, not even feeling anything. In her opinion, those were things that had nothing to do with her. There was no need for her to care too much. The most important thing now was to figure out where she was.

She remembered that she had been dealing with the Asura Warriors. As she had consumed too much energy, she had probably fainted from exhaustion. The outcome of that battle should not be bad.