Faith of Beasts

With the Nine Revolutions Burning Yang Furnace to refine pills, as long as there were enough spirit herbs, spirit pills would come out endlessly.

In less than half a day, Xue Fanxin had already used the Nine Revolutions Burning Yang Furnace to refine hundreds and thousands of beast spirit pills.

Most of the spirit herbs in the depths of the Moon Burial Ridge had also been mined by the demonic beasts to offer to Xue Fanxin.

"Come, come, come. Everyone has a share." Xue Fanxin distributed the pills. She first guaranteed that every demonic beast could obtain a Beast Spirit Pill. If there was any left, she would distribute it to those who had usually helped her more.

The demonic beasts did not know what the Beast Spirit Pill was, but they knew at a glance that it was a good thing. Many demonic beasts swallowed it on the spot. In the end, they directly advanced. Not only did they advance, but their bloodlines and strength also increased greatly.