Advance the Trial

Elder Qiu's expression was very serious at this moment, giving off a ferocious feeling. It frightened all the new disciples so much that they did not even dare to breathe heavily. They stood there obediently and listened to Elder Qiu.

"Due to some special reasons, your first round of the trial will begin now. Don't ask why. This is not something you should ask. You just need to know and work hard to pass the trial. This trial came too suddenly, and your strength is too weak, so your requirements will be relatively lower."

When the new disciples standing in a row heard Elder Qiu's words, they were first nervous and uneasy. Later, they heaved a sigh of relief when they found out that the requirements had been lowered.

However, Xue Fanxin did not feel anything. From the beginning, she knew that the so-called trial was actually their death.