Human or Ghost

After the five people from the Yellow Class consumed the Illusion Breaking Pill, they already had resistance to the surrounding psychedelic fog. At this moment, they were no longer affected by the psychedelic fog, so half of their attention was now on Sang Ruoxin, who was shouting in front of them.

"Is this woman crazy?"

"She's most likely hallucinating."

"Do you smell blood?"

"Is there?"

Just as everyone was chatting, Sang Ruoxin had already run up to them crazily. She was covered in blood and held a bloody dagger in her hand.

"Oh my god! Is this a human or a ghost?" Shi Bo was shocked when he saw Sang Ruoxin covered in blood.

Sang Ruoxin ran around crazily in the forest and said some random words. She had seriously fallen into her own illusion. At this moment, she had already cut off a few pieces of meat from her limbs and covered herself in blood. Her bloody appearance was shocking.