I'll Understand It Myself

Xue Fanxin looked at the two new patterns she had drawn and compared them to her surroundings. Now, she was basically certain that one of them was a map.

However, the map was too simplified. If one did not look carefully, they would not be able to understand it at all.

"This is a map, then what's this?" After Xue Fanxin finished studying the map, she turned her attention to another pattern. This pattern was even more difficult to understand than a map.


"Not quite."

"What on earth is this?"

Ye Jiushang watched through the screen as Xue Fanxin studied the two patterns seriously. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Xin'er was so smart. She had only spent three days to find the mystery on the stone pillars of the underground palace and draw the map of the underground palace. She was really powerful.