No Time

Hearing someone's cry of alarm, everyone immediately turned back to look. Indeed, they saw that the underground palace in front of them was disappearing at a visible rate. Even the stone pillars disappeared with it.

The disappeared underground palace would become dark. The darkness made one's hair stand on end and they would be extremely afraid.

Based on the speed at which the underground palace disappeared, in less than fifteen minutes, the ground under their feet would also disappear. At that time, all of them would be swallowed by the darkness.

"What should we do? This underground palace is disappearing, and the stone door can't be opened."

"What the hell is this place?"

"If the underground palace disappears, will we disappear too?"

"Ptui, ptui, ptui. Don't jinx it."

"Everyone, quickly open this stone door. This is our only way out."

"That's right. The stone door is our only way out. Everyone, hurry up."