No More Talk

As for the reason why Shui Qianrou had been expelled from the family, Manqiu had already investigated it clearly. It was similar to what Shui Dongliu had said. It was because she had harmed the mistress of the Shui family.

However, she felt that things were not that simple.

"Great uncle, was great-grandma really expelled from the family because she harmed the mistress of the Shui family at that time?"

"That's indeed the reason, but the exact situation seems to be a little different. When Father and Mother mentioned Sister, their words vaguely carried resentment and hatred. Once, Mother even quarreled with Father in the room, saying that Sister had been framed. Mother hoped that Father could stand up for Sister, but unfortunately…"

Unfortunately, his father had a weak personality. The pressure from the family was too great, and he did not dare to say much. Even if he did, it would be useless. He might even make things worse and his situation worse.