Ji Han

Z country's capital.

Jiang Boyan was curled up on the swing chair on the balcony of the second floor, swaying leisurely.

The sun shone on the courtyard, gilding the pink hibiscus flowers all over the yard, making it hard for people to get enough of them.

She twirled her fingers around the ends of her hair, looking at the beautiful scenery of the entire courtyard.

This was a hibiscus garden.

After Ji Han brought her out of the restricted area, he had locked her up in this place. In this huge garden, only she and two maids lived.

The two maids were very ordinary. They did not have any armor or weapons. Therefore, on the first day she came here, she thought about leaving. However, as soon as she left the hospital, she was blocked by more than ten bodyguards with guns who were dressed in black.

Therefore, she could only eat, sleep, and play on the swing, thinking of a way to escape.

She did not come back to admire the flowers. Getting out of that restricted area was extremely difficult. She would definitely give a big gift to the Jiang Family first!

The swing moved gently. She rested her chin on her hand in a daze, but her attention was focused on the floor below.

Under the balcony, the two maids who were trimming the flowers were chatting.

"Hey, did you know that a few days ago, Xiao Hu accidentally spilled some soup on the ground when he was serving food, and the young master put him in the hospital!"

"Is this considered a big deal? Last time, when the master asked young master for money, he was left outside for four hours before he could go in."

"Yeah, I think if it wasn't for their familial relationship, the young master would have done something to master..."

Jiang Boyan listened quietly. Perhaps because she was mentally ill, the two maids avoided talking to her. Through the two maids, she had a general understanding of Young Master Ji.

His name was Ji Han. He was only twenty-four years old this year and was the head of the top financial cooperation in the country.

Just in the first half of last year, he brought people with weapons and broke into his father's office. He personally relinquished him of his position and took over all the businesses of the Ji family.

He was decisive and very bold. He quickly cleaned up the internal affairs using ruthless methods and replaced all the senior executives of the group with his trusted aides.

Under his management, the Trace Financial Group had gained an unshakable position in the country in just half a year.

Those who relied on this cooperation made a lot of money, but there were also many who hated him and were jealous of him.

Over the past year, he had encountered countless assassination attempts.

However, once he found the mastermind behind this, he would return the methods that that person had used on him thousands of times over.

It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a cold-hearted person. He would seek revenge whenever he felt hatred, and he would not tolerate the slightest thing that dissatisfied him.

It was hard for anyone to even imagine someone that terrifying.

"In that case, we are already very lucky that he has arranged for us to come here."

One of the servants said happily, "Although that young lady is mentally ill, she usually sits there quietly. As long as we don't let her starve or thirst, it will be fine."

"Yeah, serving her is easier than serving the cats and dogs of other masters."

The other person nodded in agreement.

She looked up, meaning to check on Jiang Boyan, but she felt uneasy all of a sudden. It was as if a figure had flown off the top floor.

Looking at the swing again, there was no sign of Jiang Boyan.


The two servants cried out at the same time and hurriedly extended their hands to catch her.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open and two rows of black-clothed people filed in, standing on both sides of the path.

Ji Han walked in with his escorts, his body exuding an austere air.

However, he had only taken two steps when he suddenly felt the tension.

Everyone immediately reached for their guns and wanted to protect him.

He instinctively reached out and caught the petite girl in his arms.