He Was Not Coming Back

Ji Han's Adam's apple bobbed up and down. It was as if his eyes were enveloped in a raging fire that spread to his entire body.

All the cells in his body seemed to be charging straight to a certain place in an instant. Something was very wrong!

D*mn it!

Ji Han suddenly put down his hand and ran out in a slightly flustered manner. He stumbled so hard that he did not even have time to put his feet into his slippers. It was as if there was a flood and a fierce beast in the house!

'He finally left!

'It hurts!'

Jiang Boyan moved her wrist and slowly sat up. She left the room carefully and tiptoed to the stairs downstairs like a stray cat that had secretly eaten something. A large potted plant next to her covered her figure, allowing her to observe the lower floor perfectly.